on your time zone, Septembers Full Moon, the Harvest Moon, will either take
place on Monday 20th or Tuesday 21st, when the Moon reaches 28°14 Pisces, exactly opposite the Sun in Virgo, at 00.55 BST.
This is the last Full Moon of the Summer half year, that each year offers a large cleansing and release opportunity, before we enter the Winter half year.
This year the Full Moon takes place right before the Fall Equinox on Wednesday.
Dark times
are right ahead of us, in more ways than one, since challenging times are to be expected –
which is why it’s extra important to rid yourself of “excess baggage”, that will only burden you, here at
the doorstep to the dark Fall quarter and the Winter half year.
We're all
gonna need all the energy, we can muster, so we cannot spread it thin on things of unimportance or let ourselves be drained or dragged down by situations and
things, that can be avoided.
Virgo/Pisces axis is brilliant at cleaning up, selecting, throwing out, cleansing, end, put behind you and
reset before a new chapter begins – all of this is beneficial to do in the days
surrounding and following the Full Moon and this applies to all areas of your
While the
Virgo Sun is primarily focused on rational, critical analysis as well as on making
work life/ student life, everyday life and various practical chores run as
efficiently as possible, after the Summer break, the Moon in Pisces reminds us
of the need for something that lifts us out of the everyday grind.
It implores
us to not forget, that there is more to life than just what is right in front of us, that
there’s something bigger out there, and that much value can be found in
the unseen and intangible world.
This Full
Moon advocates spirituality, mystique, magic, dreams, fantasy, escapism, creativity,
art and romance.
Having open
channels and being receptive, while still being grounded is the preferable
balance point of the Pisces/Virgo axis.
the two sign asks us to work on making dream and reality meet,; having both a rich inner life and a effecient everyday life, inspiration
amount to concrete creative display; letting spirit, soul, mind and body become
one healthy whole – and also to translate compassion into literal action and practical
During the
Full Moon in Pisces there are good chances of receiving important messages from
above or within, so pay attention to your dreams, other sensations and things simply coming to you.
This Full
Moon also prepares us for next year when both of Pisces’ rulers, Neptune and
Jupiter, meet and conjunct in Pisces, no less.
So, this
Full Moon is a good opportunity for familiarizing yourself with the prevalent
energy of 2022.
On the backdrop, there’s right now a T- square between Mercury, Pluto and Eris going on, that will peak during the Full Moon and the Fall Equinox.
Simultaneously, we are seeing uncertainty on stock markets, a huge company in big trouble, and more and more announcements of lacks of goods, empty shelves, postponements and increase in prices. With Mercury representing trade, more is likely to happen on that front, here in the days surrounding the Full Moon.
also represent media. With Pluto & Eris involved, you can be sure, that
a lot of what you will be told, will not
be the whole truth or even flat out lies, since staging, manipulation and
hidden motives, as well as the training of us to see through it all, belongs to
this planet couple.
If you
combine Virgo’s critical analysis and discernment with Pisces’ intuition and
sensations you will be quite well suited for navigating and seeing through, whatever
this upcoming Winter half year will offer in terms of tales, announcements and
energies and that combination will be available next week – it’s up to us to
tune in to the Full Moon and make use of them.
Harvest Full Moon
Truth Light ☮ & 💖 Tina