It is said
that it’s in periods with several “Great Conjunctions” (between Jupiter,
Saturn, Uranus, Neptune & Pluto) in just a few years, that the world REALLY
A Great
Conjunction happens when two of the abovementioned heavenly bodies meet and their
joint cycle, both comes to an end and starts a new one.
If that
happens for several “planetary couples” in a span of few years, there will
inevitably be more chaos, turbulence and change in the world, than at other
times, since it will then be in many areas at the same time, that something
comes to an end, perishes to never return, while other things continue in new form,
while also completely new stuff is added.
The limbo
period, between the old being dead and the new born hasn’t become visible yet,
can be rather challenging – with several of the various limbo periods on top of
each other or following each other, it will obviously be HUGELY challenging.
It’s in
these transition periods, that “new world order”s come into existence and that
resets take place – and various fractions (both visible and more hidden
ones) will naturally fight (both obviously as well as more subtle) for the
reign of the new era following – and over which direction, we will all be
heading in.
In 2020 we
had a total of three Great Conjunctions – and now just one year and a couple of
months after the last one, we are entering the fourth; Jupiter and Neptune conjuncting in
On top of
that, in 3 out of 4 of these conjunctions, one – or as in the case of the
present one; both – involved planets rule the sign, the conjunction
happened/happens in – and thus have considerably more punch behind it.
Then there
was the Jupiter – Saturn Conjunction back in December 2020, that also ended a several
hundred year long conjunction – cycle in the Earth element and began a new
several hundred year long cycle in the Air Element.
And as for
the present Jupiter – Neptune conjunction, it is 166 years since the two last
met in Pisces, the sign they both rule over.
So it’s both very powerful, rare and also very longterm cycles and phases ending and beginning these years. So, with that in mind, it’s not so strange, that the beginning of the 2020’s has been so chaotic and extreme as it is – and that we now for two years straight have been in a “stage of emergency”, crisis, and in war, first more subtly, but now apparently in the old fashioned more obvious way, as well.
Now as the
Jupiter – Neptune conjunction really sets in, smokescreens, illusions,
propaganda and deceit will reach new unheard heights (!!!) and we should all be very wary of both believing oblique statements and claims, as
well as of making them ourselves – as even the most sharp sighted eyes will
have a hard time seeing clearly now, before the Neptunian fog dissolves again.
At the same
time, we have, as previously mentioned, also Saturn triggering a former Eclipse
degree in Leo in late February and the beginning of March - (and certainly seem to totally deliver,
when it comes to those specific Eclipse topics; “End of the World” atmosphere; possible
beginning of wars; the ascend or fall from grace, removal, withdrawal or death
of head of states, the elite or stars; gold prices etc. ) – and previous
experience tells us, that while a lot of outer drama will take place, there
will be other very important things going on as well elsewhere, that we won’t learn
about until later. Which emphasizes the importance of not drawing any fixed conclusions, right now.
It is thus
a very confusing and unclear period, when it comes to the outer world, that we
have just entered, where many things will dissolve and great sacrifices might take
Once the
fog lifts again, a collective experience of illusions breaking, might take
place, if certain things turn out to be very different, than previously
Pisces is a
Water sign and with both rulers uniting here, water will become a major topic.
We have
already seen examples of flooding and mudfloods in the world – and most likely
it won’t be done with that.
There are
extremely heightened chances of a very wet Spring, several places in the world,
with heavy rainfalls, elevated water levels, flooding, mudfloods, also possible
earth quakes with epi – center in water and possible tsunamis.
water could also become an issue/ important topic.
On top of
that important events taking place on the sea, as well as shipping, could become
more relevant.
Since the
war card has now been picked, it wouldn’t be surprising either, if we at some
point hear about someone considering using bio – or chemical weapons, as Jupiter/Neptune/ Pisces is associated with both illness, medicine and
conjunction could also mean, that serious implications and side effects of the
previous handling of the virus could really begin setting in now, in a big way, all
kinds of diseases, medicine, vaccine and side effects, will be an obvious topic, as well
as the hospital & medical system and Big Pharma, but of course now all these
things will have to compete with a very dramatic change of scene to break
through the surface - and that is no doubt very convenient for some…
At the same
time, this moving from one major and intrusive crisis to the next, will inevitably wear on a lot of people’s mental state, so mental health can also get a boost
in the wrong direction – and it's unfortunately probably already not going too well in that area, after the past couple of years.
The same goes for addiction issues and various substance abuse, that this conjunction in
Pisces also highlights.
All in all,
the outer world will probably not be the most stable or most wonderful to behold or be
in, the coming months, but as already mentioned, at the beginning of the year, that would inevitably be the case, one way or another, with the purpose of
pushing us more inwards and upwards.
We had,
collectively, also gone rather far out of a very cold and irreconcilable path,
and it will now take a lot to thaw up frozen hearts again – and that thawing is
exactly what Jupiter – Neptune represents.
To what
degree it will take human tragedy and loss, remains to be seen…
The combo
of Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces is very compassionate, idealistic,
spiritual and super creative.
will rise, inspiration and insights will flow - to those that are open to it.
We will
simply have no other choice, than to go within or seek upwards to the divine,
to bring something out/down here, that makes the world more beautiful, loving
and peaceful to be in, in the future.
New Moon in Pisces is conjunct Jupiter, who on the following day get so close
to Neptune, that the conjunction period begins.
The New
Moon thus acts as the official starting point of 2022’s Great Conjunction of Jupiter
and Neptune in Pisces.
The coming
month, the aspect will increase more and more and become stronger.
The precise
phase of the conjunction starts at the beginning of April, lasting a couple of
weeks, with peak of exactitude on April 12th, where the old cycle technically
ends and a new one is born.
The conjunction lasts until the end of May.
Before that Jupiter will enter Aries on
May 11th, making it an out of sign conjunction, spanning two different signs
for a couple of week, and this is when we truly can begin to see the first
signs of a new beginning.
In April
and May, we will also have an Eclipse Season on the Taurus/Scorpio axis,
concerning economy, energy sources, food supply and other basic ressources, and
since the nodal axis entered these signs, we have seen how
just about anything, that happens pushes those exact topics more and more to the fore.
The Jupiter
– Neptune conjunction will have an epilogue in the Fall, the same will the
Eclipse topics in another Eclipse Season then.
Whether we
will actually see a collective idealistic, spiritual and creative renaissance,
with bigger unity and compassion among people, which is the Jupiter – Neptune
conjunctions highest potential, remains to be seen.
But those
of us, who wish and hope for such a renaissance , now has an opportunity to make it happen in
our individual lives – and also of spreading it around us.
Your inner
self and the divine will be calling you now, it is time to go within to
gather and pick up inspiration and guidance, heighten the frequency – and let
it spread around you like rings in water.
Truth Light ☮ &💖 Tina