Thursday, January 9, 2025

YEAR 2025

To put it mildly, the 2020’s have been something else, but 2025 could very well match or even surpass 2020, the crazy year that began it all.

All astrological parameters of significant changes are flashing loudly in 2025 and '26 – and some sort of climax and a paradigm shift will happen.

Pluto’s new placement in Aquarius (see previous updates) and the ongoing Jupiter - Saturn square, will continue to influence much of 2025.

This update will, however, focus mainly on all the other new develops happening on top of that. 

But those two influences, that, among many other things, brings about systemic change, the breakdown of governments, head of states having to step down, flee or could die in office etc., is still high on the itinerary as well. 

(In fact, just in the few days between first publishing the Danish version of this update and this one in English, another Prime Minister has stepped down, things are obviously accelerating…)

On the heels of Pluto's final entrance in Aquarius, in November 2024, the two other collective zeitgeist descriptive outer planets Neptune and Uranus will also change sign in 2025.

Saturn and Neptune also both start entirely new journeys throughout the Zodiac and will at the same time enter into the last sixth Great Conjunction, of the 2020’s.

With all these four important planets at the very beginning of new signs at the same time, they will also create a mutual flowing aspect pattern between them, with an EXTREMELY powerful energy influx, peaking throughout the Summer.

So, there will be more than enough to deal with.


With Neptune leaving Pisces and entering Aries, at the end of March (- October and finally from January 2026 –2038/39 ) the pendulum is swinging from sensitivity, empathy, vulnerability and victimhood to glorification of strength, courage, initiative – and possible aggression and brutality – instead.

During its journey through its own sign, Neptune taught us that there are many ways to be, many ways to live, many ways to identify as and with in this world – and it’s all ok.

The potential was, that there could finally be room for all of us – but that’s not really how it turned out.

Just as its not particularly pleasant when the majority is trying to force down a “normie” lifestyle over the head of everyone else, it doesn’t really make it any better either, when various minorities are trying to do the same.

Duality, exclusion and splitting continued, (not least because of the obvious agendas and weaponization behind it all), just switching things more or less around, so as a collective we didn’t get much further.

The potential of unity and the understanding, that despite superficial differences, we are really all one, that is inherent in both Pisces and Neptune, would of course be too dangerous to anyone wanting to control the populations; so divide and conquer it is instead.

Each Zodiac sign is in many ways a response to the previous one, and if things have been taken too far out in the extremes during a major transit, that following response will inevitably turn into a major backlash.

Anything won could be lost, including the more positive lessons as well.

At the very least, with Neptune now changing signs, the trends of the time changes significantly and after years of “wallowing” in vulnerability, weaknesses, diagnoses, labels, victimhood and repression, real or self proclaimed, demands of special treatment, dreams of getting everything served on a platter, passivity and placing all hope in various saviourfigures to deal with all our problems for us, it will in the future instead be individual strength, courage, initiative, activity, creativity and results by own merit, that’s glorified.

The masculine energy, that has been labelled “toxic” in latter years, will get a chance to express itself from a higher, divine – or just constructive – level. If, however, the consciousness level is present for that…

Otherwise, the 2025 – 2026 transition could also just mean that we are going directly from over empathic trigger warnings to raw aggression and brutality.

This could potentially also have to do with another topic.


Psychological warfare and value battles has been at its highest level here in the 2020’s, add to that the more classical understood form of conflict and warfare.

Unfortunately it cannot be ruled out that the latter will spread more during 2025, (and thus making more brutality a given). But I doubt this will surprise anyone at this point.

Neptune’s entrance in Aries, could very well refer to heightened war propaganda and a glorification and glamourization of the entire military industrial complex and the uniformed soldier, in case major parts of the populations need to be drafted and the rest programmed to support them, without any questioning.

Alternatively, we might “just” have to be convinced (read: manipulated) to skip almost all remaining welfare and social benefits for defense expenses.

On top of Neptunes entry into Aries, Saturn and Neptunes Great Conjunction will also take place 0° Aries,

A bigger symbol of a whole new era is hard to find.

The last time the two planets met, world history was written, when the Berlin Wall fell (followed by the breakdown of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold war)

While Neptune can dissolve Saturn’s walls, borders and societal structures, Saturn can both limit as well as manifest more of the domain it visits.

So, whether Saturn’s ingress into Aries in Spring means escalation of conflict and war or limiting or ending warfare and aggression, or one followed by the other, time will tell.

But one thing is certain, during the next couple of years, new chapters of history will be written, and the fall out will be a “new world order”, with changes of the world map and present borders, as well as huge changes in ways of life, in varying degrees for those directly and indirectly involved.

(Once again, just in the few days between publishing the Danish version of this text in late December and this English one, the topic of a change of control and “ownership” over several countries, is all over the news, the ball is already rolling…).

After the last Saturn – Neptune conjunction the West and Western Europe got the “easy deal” – that’s not necessarily a given, this time around…

On a personal level, Saturn in Aries can limit and hinder the individuals possibilities, activities and initiative.

Neptune on the other hand can create fascination and admiration for those who persevere, doesn’t let adversity stop them, but still manage to create and initiate projects, on their own, despite everything, which can in turn also inspire others.

The Great Conjunction will set in (in Pisces) from at the latest February 2025 and last for two years. It reaches a first – not 100 % exact – peak in August and then a completely exact peak in February 2026. Both times at the very beginning of Aries.



With Uranus travelling through the last degrees of Taurus in 2025 - the sign of food, basic resources and economy – we unfortunately must expect more price increases and economic instability, volatility and the whole cost of living crisis to get worse. (Uranus itself is also concerned with energy).

Scarcity and lack of certain things is also possible.

So please, make sure to grow as much edible as possible yourself, when the weather permits in your area, even in very small living quarters, some things are always possible and could be a help.

Gemini, the sign Uranus enters for a couple of months this year, is also associated with trade and markets, so the economic theme of instability as well as trade wars could be a more or less constant topic throughout 2025.

With three outer planets changing sign, within just months of each other, a major and total shift in trends and what is ascribed value will happen.

Which means, that what up until now has had a good rep, been the thing to go for, been lucrative and enriching will change dramatically and could instead bring great losses, become a no - go or just slip more into the background, some things can also move in the opposite direction, (no – go suddenly becoming the new thing).

The outer zeitgeist descriptive collective planets remain in signs for many years, at this point in time, from 7- 20 years, sometimes so long, that we wrongly assume, that this is how it’s always gonna be, but sooner or later the planets always move on, creating new waves of trends and completely different narratives  – and usually a lot of people get caught in the middle, especially if they have bought wholeheartedly into the previous narrative.

And the special thing about the mid 20’s, is that  ALL the three outer planets move into new unknown territory, in a short period of time, i.e. everything changes.

For instance, with Uranus’ transition from Taurus to Gemini (July – November 2025 and again from Spring 2026 -2032/33), the narrative concerning climate change will change – what causes the changes, what should or even can be done about it.

In a shift from the Earth element to the Air Element, we will raise our outlook more away from Earth and up into the sky – here we could possibly direct our gaze at the Sun as one very probable cause instead of ourselves.

This means that various green investments (“green” as in how it’s been interpreted and understood the past years, not necessarily truly green) could suffer.

It’s already been very evident in stocks, many places in the world.

The pharmaceutical industry has had enormous wind in their sails and seem to have been able to get away with just about anything, the now many years, Neptune has transited through its own sign, Pisces, (since both planet and sign corresponds with medicine) – it can however not be taken for granted at all, that that will continue, once Neptune has moved on.

The tendency in a total shift away from what has been ascribed value, the recent years, is already well underway, since Pluto’s recent and final change of sign and will be complete by the Spring of 2026, when both Neptune and Uranus has finally entered their new homes as well, so things are moving fast from now on.

Which also means, that it’s not advisable just to keep doing, what you have been doing, concerning your own finances, without any thought.

Long and binding plans are also not the best, (in fact this refers to all parts of life in 2025, not just financially), because you will have to navigate in a space, where everything, as in EVERYTHING could be up in the air and probably won’t land anywhere specific during 2025.

Make sure to have free access to your values, for quick transitions, whenever necessary – also make sure to have as many as possible with eternal value, that will endure and be useful, no matter what happens.

A larger economic systemic change is underway, and the results can be uncertain for a longer period of time. It could go several ways, possibly also at the same time. All bets are off.  Instability and unpredictability is simply what we will have to learn to live with for a while.

The programmable digital payment system could make its full entrance.

However, we’ve had so many different crashes and breakdowns by now, that hopefully many, many more will have realized that it’s by no means a good idea to let anything like that completely erase other alternatives, such as cash.

There is, by the way, still extreme heightened possibilities for more (even bigger) crashes and breakdowns of various kinds, throughout 2025, so just having access to your values online is simply just not the way to go.

The revolutionary forces and the spirit of uprising, that Pluto in Aquarius signals, could also very well be awakened exactly because of economical and/or crisis/warfare/defense dispositions and decisions, that won’t be popular at all, for many.


With Uranus entering Gemini, things will be shaken up concerning communication, social media, news, journalism, information and knowledge sharing – the way it’s done, the way it’s (not) trusted, the way it’s used or even accessible.

A preview of a future, with entirely different ways to receive and share news and information and stay in contact will occur.

With Uranus in the mental air sign comes an open invitation to “Free your mind”

Free thinking and free speech will be important topics.

The previous alternative can go mainstream and new alternatives arise.

Insane attempts of capturing the human mind in more literal ways could however also come about during Uranus’ 7 years in Gemini.

Offers to somehow connect yourself to a hive mind doing the thinking for you and everyone else or to upload your consciousness to some kind of machine, that will let you “live forever”.

Such offers will of course only tempt those who doesn’t KNOW that they already have and ARE a consciousness, that will live forever and is not bound here, either.

So, to not let yourself ensnare in those kinds of traps, it’s more important than ever to explore, make use of, strengthen and develop your natural abilities concerning your consciousness – the coming years will however also bring rich possibilities for that as well.


The outer planets represent energies coming from elsewhere, outside of Saturn’s barrier, the matrix if you will, as well as the norms and structures we typically live under societally, here on Earth as well as what we can perceive with the classic five senses.

Unless you have many connections between personal planets and placements in your individual chart, these energies can feel very foreign, weird and even dangerous.

On the other hand, if you are among those, who feel that something is seriously off with this world, these energies can be exactly what is missing and feel like they are coming more from your “true home”

Even so, they might still be overwhelming, when they come surging in, the way they will in 2025. Especially during the Summer.

A lot can fall apart around us, in quite turbulent ways.

With such a strong energy influx, there won’t necessarily be any discernment of what’s worth keeping and preserving either and many could potentially be driven completely mad by these energies.

It can also spill out in nature disasters, with all the elements raging and almost competing, with what they can make happen, with flooding, earth quakes, storms, hurricanes, volcano outbreaks, natural fires etc. around the world.

And then of course, there is our primary star, the Sun, who could blast us, with even larger flares and CME’s than we already have witnessed these past two years. Potentially also a really BIG ONE.

The outer planets do also represent forces out of people’s control.

So that will be another theme for 2025, that we will have to focus primarily on the things we CAN do something about and influence.

On a much more positive note, Saturn & Neptune is a super creative combination and THE manifestation aspect of them all – here the formless can be given form  - and with a meeting at the Spring point, the maximum potent 0° Aries, that also functions as the focal point for the flowing energy pattern including Uranus & Pluto, it will be possible to take your imaginative, creative and manifestation abilities to a WHOLE other level, than previously possible.

We will simply be able to imagine and implement completely other things here on Earth, than has previously been possible or realistic.

Flowing inspiration, heightened creativity and artistic peak excursions, alternative enriching methods all round, genius ideas and inventions can take form and bring a whole new way of life with it, as well as freedom to focus on what each of us feel passionate about.

Metaphysical abilities and capacities that expands and normalizes is all part of the potential

Quantum consciousness leaps and new higher frequencies that can be brought in.

The perception of Earth and humanity in relation to the rest of the cosmos and other intelligent life can expand as well.

As previously mentioned, we will lift our gaze and attention from the Earth and up and outwards to the sky, the heavens and what we call space.

The flowing outer planet aspect pattern, has already been gathering momentum for more than a year now, but it has previously been an internal thing, having taken place at the end of introverted signs. For those who explore their inner life, it will have been very noticeable the past year and can have been an important preparation period for what is to come.

During the peak in the Summer, especially August, it will take place in extroverted Air and Fire signs (just as it will the following peaks in 2026 and 2027 and the many following years of still being activated well into the 30’s) and will thus become more visible in the outer as well, in events, actions and implementations and things we will talk about.


There will be SO much power behind the incoming energies and outer changes, that it will be incredibly important, already from the very beginning of the year, to prioritize taking really good care of yourself, in a serious and decisive manner, you may not have utilized before.

You need to be able to be in and contain this extremely powerful incoming energy influx and to make use of it in the best possible way and hopefully also thrive.

And we are talking all levels here; physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

So you will need to be much more cut through, when it comes to prioritizing what and who your time and energy is spend on.

Anything that drains or is simply trivial energetic waste as well as various unhealthy and destructive habits, will be a very good idea to let go of now.

In 2025 many doors will close, but new ones can be opened as well.

The transition from Pisces to Aries is always connected to an ending, a reset and a whole new beginning.

A Great Conjunction is in of itself also the marker for the end of a cycle and a phase and the beginning of new one.

Schwabb & Co. has really given the term reset a bad name – but asides from 2025 possibly being a year where they may try to implement more of their destructive and unfortunate version of a collective reset, the idea of a reset can also be used in a wholly constructive way, in your own life.

Just as there are collective narratives, we also have personal ones, and not always the best ones.

Many of us can be limited by various previous experiences and the tales we apply to those and our perceptions of ourselves, our lives and our possibilities, of what we believe is or isn’t doable.

2025 is, from the beginning of the year ,very well suited for making a definite decision about what is actually constructive for you to keep hanging onto, concerning your previous narratives, and then let the rest go and start completely over and only let the past mean something in the way you allow it to and is enriching and valuable to you.

This will no doubt be an unforgettable year, so, as far as possible, get yourself ready to – probably within a ring of wild outer chaos and possible destruction – to lift off and float in a zero point and void of everything and nothing.

But also know that it’s exactly from here you can ACTUALLY manifest, create new life and new worlds and where ALL possibilities are open to you.

Taking a leap into those new possibilities that resonate and speaks to you and dare more than previously, would be a great way to use the energies of a year, where the focal point in many ways is the Aries energy, the sign of brand new beginnings, pioneering and courage.

Happy New Year

Freedom Truth Light & 💖 Tina


© Astrologer Tina Reinhardt Hansen

(First published in Danish at the end of December 2024)