morning – depending on your timezone – the first eclipse in this eclipseseason, (see more details on the entire eclipseseason in the last update), takes place
at the Full Moon 27° 14 Taurus, exactly opposite the Sun in Scorpio.
The two
signs represents two different poles and seasons; Taurus: Spring, greenness,
lushness, light and life versus Scorpio’s Fall, darkness, withering and
stripped nature and death.
While the
Sun in Scorpio demands that we face the darkness and accept the fact, that
everything sooner or later will end, everything changes, everything dies, the
Moon in Taurus reminds us of the need for bringing things to a halt, smell all the flowers, enjoying the beauty of life, finding peace and calmness, having secure fixpoints, preservation and
making things last.
Taurus can also spend a lot of energy on, almost by habit, trying to preserve
the status quo, whether it’s preferable or not.
Change is
one of the few certain things in life – and right now we are living in times of
massive change, and it’s far from over
yet – and it can thus be a huge waist of energy trying to hold on to something
that is way past it sell date.
In other
words, we need to use Taurus' preserving energy selectively and wisely.
So, it’s
time to make important decisions on what to hold on to, what to let go of, and
where to give up control, to free as much energy as possible - cuz we are gonna need all the energy we can
muster in the near future!
represents your values, so your decisions should obviously be made from the
core of your true inner values, not from outside dictates.
So, anything
of no particular or less value to you or things that you, if you’re really
honest with yourself, just know is a thing of the past, is beneficial to
release around the time of this Lunar eclipse.
There are
also things in life, completely out of your control, where it’s likewise a
waist of energy trying to hang on, control and preserve in current form. Here
it’s also about releasing, letting go, trusting the process and instead putting
your energy and focus towards things, where you can actually make a difference.
But on the
other hand, when it comes to your true and most important values in life, it is now extremely important to stand firm – UNSHAKABLY FIRM – and not let
yourself be pressured into something that goes against your values and
The eclipse
energy can be helpful with that, since the Taurus energy represents both
stubbornness and endurance.
eclipses in Taurus, typically places focus on economy, financial matters,
wages, properties, ownership, values of all kinds, as well as nature and crops.
changes, problems or crisis, trade and supply issues, problems with or lack of
crops, a rise in hunger around the world, is sometimes seen during Eclipses in
the Earth element, that Taurus belongs to. The same is earthquakes and
vulcano eruptions.
whose ruler Pluto also happens to be triggered by the eclipse, points to huge
changes when it comes to common ressources and economy, as well as in the
handling of power and control and also adds the Water element.
old ruler, Mars, opposes and activates Uranus in Taurus during and in the days
surrounding the Eclipse, so the same topics are emphasized over and over again. Meaning there's now way around it.
The Mars –
Uranus opposition also points towards that some of the things happening right now
could result in uprising and downright revolution.
Peace and
calmness is not exactly on the horizon right now or in the 6 months ahead,
where this eclipse will be active.
The Taurus
Moon however has a huge need for peace, calmness, safety and security.
material security. This is obviously highly challenged right now, by insane
mandates various places in the world, threatening peoples livelihood, for some
it is already a reality, for others its looming right ahead.
On top of
that, there’s inflation and huge price increases that will eat up more and more disposable income ( if you have one!)– and sooner or later
everyone will be affected, if this is allowed to continue and we go further
down this truly disturbing path we are on, except a small super rich elite.
eclipse, however, not only triggers Pluto, but also Jupiter, and these two
planets are right now in semisextile, meaning that they have reached a new
point in their joint cycle, they began last year, also meaning that some of the
things initiated during the 2020 conjunction, will now begin to become more
visible and tangible in the outer world.
As we can obviously see, when it comes to some of the more dark intentions initiated then.
But during last
years three peaks of Jupiter & Plutos conjunction many positive seeds were also sown, concerning FREEDOM, JUSTICE and ABUNDANCE for all, including a new more fair and
honest economical system, that will benefit us all, through several world wide
mass meditations and manifestations.
Not only does this Lunar Eclipse trigger this, but the eclipse that follows, the total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius in December, is also thematically well aligned with among other things freedom, justice and abundance.
But we need to keep our hope and faith in
these dark challenging times, and we need to water and nurture those seeds, we
planted back then, in order for them to survive, grow bigger and stronger and more
tangible in the outer world. We also need to stand together and not let the
various efforts to split us completely apart work.
Cuz there
are dark forces, who is trying to steer us in a whole other direction, where we
will own nothing at all, not even our souls – and who have already come far
with their plans, because not enough people has realized and opposed it, yet...
But eclipse
energy has the ability to change things, also very quickly, so here’s hoping
that some kind of breakthrough in the public will happen somewhere in the world
and then spread all over.
At this
cross road between whatever model and system, we will be living under in the
future, we will experience less and less to hold on to and place
our trust in, in the outer world, which of course can be extremely anxiety filled.
This is
also a huge theme for 2022, where a lot of outer and previous wellknown
fixpoints and anchors will dissolve, leaving us nowhere to go but inwards
and/or upwords towards higher powers, from outside this world.
This Lunar
Eclipse, which is the first of 7 eclipses on the Taurus/Scopio axis the next
two years, comes with the message, that you in periods of huge change and
turbulence in the outher world, can and must learn to find peace and calmness
within yourself and your own resources.
Noone, is
saying it’s easy, but no matter what is going on around you, peace of mind and
inner calmness CAN be obtained, at least periodically.
Some of the
classic Taurus methods of doing that is meditation, staying outside in nature,
creativity and grounding yourself through your five senses.
Nature and
the changing seasons has an inbuilt spirituality that can be very soothing and
calming, because it brings a very concrete and visible proof of the fact, that
after a dark and perhaps really tough season, brighter times will always follow
sooner or later…In other words; this too shall pass.
So spending
time in nature is advicable – because the oasis will be much needed.
Depending on where you live and whats possible to grow at this time of year, if anything
at all, it is also advicable to start growing more of your own food. If not
possible now, make plans for it in the upcoming spring.
more selfsufficient, finding peace, comfort and security within yourself and
using and relying on your inborn talents and gifts in new ways, is all important issues the
next couple of years, with this series of eclipses,
This is a
North Node eclipse, which points to the future and the creation of the future
and where we are meant to head – but since Full Moons and Lunar eclipses
at the same time are all about releasing, it means that there is a lot that has to
be released before a more secure future can be build.
In other
words, there are many things that needs to be let go of, cleared and removed,
before the creation of a better future can lead to something concrete, useful
and more lasting.
The houses
– and the areas of life they represent - containing 27 °14 Taurus/Scorpio in
your personal chart, will show where these topics primarily will play
themselves out in your life – and also where you will experience growth
opportunities the next 6 months ahead.
If you have
important placements between 24° 14 Taurus/Scorpio & 0°14 Gemini/Sagittarius, they will be
triggered by the eclipse, and what they represent and perhaps rule over, will
also add further information on how exactly you will be affected and where
there will be special focus for you.
19 years
ago there was an eclipse in the same spot, so think back to what happened in
your life back then and the following 6 months – an echo from back then
might very well turn up, resulting in a revisit of themes and topics, that you now get to meet
from another more mature – and hopefully also wiser – place in life…or you
might get the chance to become wiser.
The partial
eclipse starts Friday morning at 6.02 (GMT – adjust to your local time), the
Full Moon is exact at 8.57 and the eclipse peaks a few minutes later at 9.03, the Lunar eclipse is finally over at 12.03.
The partial
eclipse will be visible, wherever the Moon is above the horizon in this timeperiod,
and with a clear sky, of course.
Happy Lunar
Eclipse – release and let go, but stand firm on your true values!
Truth Light ☮ & 💖 Tina