At this
moment in time, we have the Sun and 4 planets (Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and
Saturn) placed in the sign of Aquarius, waiting for the Moon to join them as
well, next week, making it at total of 6 classic heavenly bodies assembled in
the sign.
stellium invites us to rise above our preprogramming to identify with one or
the other side, like for instance blue or red – and likewise above our ego and
emotional attachment to our side/team, as well the need to be right in our
perception of what is going on.
And then just try to view things from up there and see if that angle might reveal some connections and patterns, we couldn't grasp earlier.
If the invitation and offer to a more openminded holistic helicopter view is declined – the paths will divide completely from here on after.
There won’t be any
larger community of humanity, in this new era, but rather several smaller
communities and networks among likeminded, which there’s obviously nothing
wrong with at all, except that it might very well turn out in such a manner,
that people don’t have anything to do at all with “those in the other
networks/those on the other side” – and that families and friends will be
divided and torn apart because of it.
The two
rulers of Aquarius, Saturn and Uranus, are squaring each other, and from
Saturday enters the first exact phase of that square.
This aspect
speaks of (even) further division. The split between the old and the new world,
the split between different paths and directions, and the division between
people of different opinions and perceptions.
And now we
also have initiatives from up high, dividing people into A and B teams, (oh,
WHAT a surprise that ANOTHER “conspiracy theory” turned into reality) and
decides who gets to do what, in a couple of months.
The last
time we had a large group of placements in Aquarius, was in 1962 (back then it
was 7 planets) – and the years that followed, was like the present time,
another pivotal period in the very long transition into the age of Aquarius.
In the
1960’s a counter culture arose as we all know, and even though, it was far from
all that ended up participating in it, it is what that decade is primarily remembered
for, even today.
Some form
of counter culture will inevitable also rise now, since things have gotten so
grotesque and far out, that even people who previously haven’t seen them selves
as particularly contrary or revolutionary might feel urged to become so.
A counter
culture consisting on those of us, of ALL ages, who refuse to submit ourselves
to madness – and don’t fall for the obvious pressure and “voluntary” coercion.
There also
happens to be a lot of creative people among those, so the pressure of being
excluded from future cultural events might not be as threatening, as those in
power plan on it to be.
Because we
could just make our own alternative events – which we already have done (and
legally so!) here in Copenhagen, Denmark several times in the past months.
If a couple of thousands people, can get together and only in a few days donate, have a stage and a large screen erected, as well as portable toilets and stalls with free warm drinks.
If a crowd with an age span from children to a couple in their 90’s and mostly everything in between, can enjoy musicians and comedians perform, in between protest speeches, in the middle of the Scandinavian Winter, the threat of being left out of established cultural events is certainly less frightening ( now that the v- passport, that of course was planned all along, has been formally introduced).
Because imagine what we then can get together
and arrange in the summer and with longer planning time…
Will there
be huge international artist – perhaps not – but never say never, some might
find it cool, someday, especially since the resistance against the jab is much
bigger in some countries, so it might also become a financial necessity for
them one day – and then there’s also the question of what kind of audience it’s
most enjoyable and fun to perform for.
Should this
counter culture become too big, however – we should of course expect
infiltration, engineering as well as attempts to pacify.
Once again
as an echo from the sixties.
Next year,
there’s even an aspect coming up that could be used for something similar as back then, as in
passing out free drugs to hook and pacify. So those who might feel tempted by
the offer of new “consciousness altering methods or drugs”, should probably be
extra aware of that pitfall...
We are now
entering a phase, where we have to start creating something new and different,
that will be some of what the 20’s will be remembered for, in decades to come.
One last
trip in that helicopter to see if we all can find some common ground, is
available now - but otherwise it’s time to move on from here.
The exact
phase of the Saturn – Uranus square lasts from February 6th until the beginning
of March, peaking at February 17th and during that month we will all get a
clearer picture of our future direction and with whom.
Truth Light Peace & Love Tina
First published in February 2021 at & Facebook
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