On June 1st, the second exact phase of the Saturn- Uranus square begins.
This 2nd direct hit last for almost 4 weeks, till June 26th, peaking in exactitude on June 14th and is thus overlapping with the current Eclipse season.
This is 2021’s primary collective aspect, that mainly concerns the split and separation, that society and the people have experienced since 2020, which has only escalated since the first direct hit in February, this year.
The aspect has been tight all throughout spring, but now enters another decisive phase.
The separation starts from above - the top of the pyramid if you will - with various separating initiatives, actions and statements and then drip downwards and out in almost every situation and relationship, we find ourselves in.
Both sides are pushed and manipulated from both official AND unofficial sources to see “the other” side as not only standing in the way of their preferred way of life, but also dangerous to their health and possibly even survival – and both sides are nudged to become more and more indifferent to what happens to the other side, as “they have made that choice themselves, and they could just have chosen otherwise, like me”.
This de-sensitizing, if successful, will obviously be very handy, if the agenda is allowed to roll further down the line, to the point where really unfortunate things start happening to parts of the population…
Neither Saturn nor Uranus are known for their empathy, but rather for a certain coldness and distance.
During the planet pair’s second meeting, Saturn is, however, retrograde, offering us an opportunity to go back and review and reevaluate whether this truly is the path, we as a society and individuals, wish to walk further along on.
The possibility of things suddenly being turned upside down, with a switch between who will then be “in or out of the cold”, is not entirely unlikely, but that would still mean, that the dark forces got what they wanted - leaving us, generally speaking, equally far.
Fear,– and each side fears different things, that is being played heavily on right now, from different angles. mainstream and socalled alternative – Splitting, Divide and Conquer is all old well-tried methods, but only efficient, if we fall for it, play along and let them work!
As a
counterpoint, we have Jupiter in Pisces right now, inviting us to be more
compassionate, understanding and united - even if from afar – (in other words,
this is not necesarily about socializing, but more about how and IF you react
when fellow humans are being wronged or are otherwise in need.) This will also become a major theme next
The problem
is, that next year, it might be too late…
So, we need
a change in direction right now, if it’s to be at all!
This change
in direction could very well be manifested during this 2nd direct hit of the
Saturn- Uranus square, if we want it.
Uranus is
placed in Taurus, Saturn in Aquarius, both Saturn and Uranus rules Aquarius.
Some of the
other topics that the 2nd direct hit of their square will accentuate are:
versus restrictions, especially in social life.
and the use of it, pitfalls and advantages.
internet, social media – free speech versus censorship.
The sky,
heavenly bodies, space, UFO’s, E.T,’s, disclosure
and alternative solutions
changes, interventions, crisis or introduction of new financial system.
Self -sufficiency
in cultivation, scarcity of food, invention of alternatives to things lacking.
with the current Eclipse season and its topics, the coming
weeks will be rather heavy and wild energetically – and most likely also in
terms of events.
So, buckle
up, keep your head cool and your heart warm.
Truth Light Peace & Love
First published in May 2021
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