In this week
the exact phase of the Great Conjunction between Jupiter and Neptune kicks in.
This is the
4th Great Conjunction since the beginning of 2020, but not the last, since
further two will follow in the coming years.
6 Great
Conjunctions in just 5 years ( 3 in 2020, 1 in 2022, 1 in 2024 and 1 in 2025)
is rather massive and really rare and reflects that we are living in particular
unique and crucial times, where much of the well known, good as well as bad,
will come to an end, and a new phase and a new way of life will set in along
the way.
what kind of new life – and whether it will be an attractive one for most of us
or not, is what the current battle is about.
dramatic and lifechanging events of the 2020’s should thus not be viewed
separately, but as a whole designed in an attempt to lead humanity to a
specific place, where a tiny few would like to see us, but can also, if enough
of us act upon it, push us in a whole other direction, where we fulfill the
potential that many of the souls incarnated right now, came here to facilitate;
a better place and life than before, for all of us.
Water is a
main topic with both the rulers of the Water sign Pisces meeting up in the sign now.
So far,
during this conjunction, it has been Australia who primarily have had to deal
with extreme rainfall and record breaking flooding. As the aspect is now
nearing exactitude, we will see if other places will experience something
similar as well.
It is also
said, that around the world, there are now more ships stranded, than at any other
time, since WW2.
In my
country, Denmark, there has been a heightened focus on the (lack of) quality of drinking
water, as well as a dumping scandal on the sea, there has also been a rise in
drowning accidents – as well as a huge rise in people simply disappearing,
disappearance in itself, whether or not water and drowning is involved, as in some of
these cases, is another typical Neptunian/Piscean matter.
Even though
it is hard to believe that the past two years could be topped, it is also
implicit in this aspect that propaganda, smokescreens, illusions and deceit
will reach new heights, and indeed it has…but at the same time something also
seems to be dissolving.
always amplifies whatever it touches. Neptune is connected to photography,
pictures, film and video, that can either function as a depiction and
documentation of reality, but on the other hand also be manipulated and staged.
If all is aware of it, this staging and manipulation can be called fiction and art, sometimes
great art, but if its hidden and presented as real, not only the picture material
is manipulated, but human minds as well; ie. a deliberate deception.
(In a
clever combination of all this, manipulation, propaganda, as well as clues and
preprogramming can of course also be sneaked into the human mind, through art
itself, especially on Neptune’s two main areas; film and music).
Here at the
very end of a long phase since the mid 1800’s, when Neptune entered the stage,
immediately followed by the last Jupiter – Neptune conjunction in Pisces –
synchronously with the spreading of photography, a shift seems to be happening.
We have now
seen official admittance of reuse of photos from other previous events and even
of the use of stills from a video game in the “documentation of the current
Some of us,
are only too familiar with this practice – not at least from 2020 (where
Jupiter and Neptune, by the way, were in sextile), with provable reuse of
photos of lines of coffins from previous tragedies, the same hospital clip
being used again and again, claiming to be from different places in the world
etc., all there to rile up people’s fear and submission.
But the
difference is that, in at least a few cases now, it has been admitted.
The term
false flag has also gone mainstream and has now been explained to the general
And a
spectacle between two actors from the Neptunian Hollywood, was also presented
as “uncertain whether it was staged or not”, even though it was also milked and
used as a distraction like always, at the same time.
But there is obviously a subtle shift going on and it will be interesting to see whether
these official admissions and info on false flags, staging, propaganda,
manipulation and deception, will get more people to reflect upon, whether there maybe then could be other things, that are not as presented as well and whether it is
possible that others than the latest declared enemy would use such methods on
their own population.
In any case
deception and manipulation with picture material, still or moving – and the
perception of realness in terms of what we see in the media, on tv or in a
video, is something being tampered with, right now, like never before.
greater reveals of staging, manipulation and what technically is possible
nowadays, is definitely a potential during this conjunction, as we are in a
place now, where an evaluation of how far we have come in the use - and abuse -
of picture media, since the 1800’s is unavoidable - and then we will have to
figure out what to do with it, in the new cycle and phase, we are entering
combination and placement often bring smokescreen, fog and deception, then
revelation, bursting illusions, then clarity and insight and a reset.
as well as illness and medicine also belong to the Neptunian/Piscean domain,
and, as predicted, it didn’t take long for bio – chemical weapons and
laboratories to enter the war tale, with accusations flying from both sides.
For those
with eyes also looking elsewhere, more and more worrying data about the
handling of the previous “health crisis” is also coming out; the jab, the
lockdowns, the mask wearing have all had serious negative implications on
people’s both physical and mental health.
That the
cure was worse than the illness, could very well become a giant understatement,
when all one day is said and done.
Even the
mainstream media in the UK have started to reflect and look more critically
into the handling of “the pandemic”.
Each major
aspect continues the tale from the previous one, and since we collectively
didn’t use any of the presented exits along the way during the 2020 – 21
crisis, the majority, is on a mass psychological scale, now even easier led in
particular directions, and thus also away from the most positive potentials and
manifestations of an astrological aspect.
With this
Jupiter –Neptune aspect, there would inevitably come a boost in empathy and
charity, that would either naturally occur or would need a presented outlet,
but somehow the last aspects division and polarity that worked so well for
those in power, last year, has still managed to make its way into this as well,
the same goes for the shaming and scapegoating of one particular group.
people in need, such as fugitives, distinctively different because of
nationality, race, religion etc. or making innocent people responsible for what
their leader is said to be doing, is not AT ALL what the last sign of the
Zodiac and its two rulers represent, which is understanding and feeling unity; that we all, despite differences, sometimes huge differences, are connected and
part of the same whole.
But, of
course, true unity would be dangerous for those in power, so we can’t have
Each one of
us should, of course, feel for ourselves, what we truly feel the most compassion
for, it’s natural that each of us burn for different causes (in that way all or
at least most of it will probably be covered), if it comes from the heart, you can’t go wrong –
but there’s a huge difference in whether it’s truly coming from the heart or
whether you’re just blindly going along with the rest of the group, because
this is where the controlling arrow is now pointing.
where the victory of Light over darkness is celebrated, has been especially
under siege for the past couple of years.
There was the burning of the Notre
Dame church followed by two years of lockdown and social restrictions.
several energies culminate during the Easter week, this year probably won’t go
free either.
& Neptune ends their cycle and begin a new one on April 12th.
Victims and
sacrifices are another Neptunian matter and since this peak takes place at a
time of the year, where it in certain circles, are high season for sacrifice,
events with loss of human life cannot be excluded here in April or rather more
events, since its obviously already underway…
Because it
is a rare event that Jupiter and Neptune meet up on their own home turf,
Pisces, this year’s sacrifice could be larger than usual, whether we are
talking numbers or prominence.
Mars also
activates another former Solar Eclipse in Leo, during the Easter week. While both
Saturn and Mars have triggered Eclipse degrees in Leo, we have both seen the
beginning of a war as well as a lot of fires, both among classic Eclipse in the
Fire element topics.
Jupiter and
Neptune in Pisces’ Water theme, has in some places also manifested in lack of
water, as in drought, which the Fire element also represents.
Water and
Fire is thus both in focus – so look out for possible more events or rituals
involving either water or fire.
Of course,
there is also the possibility of the Neptunian classic: “death by overdose”,
suicide or illness stealing the headlines again.
represents royalty, head of states, the elite and stars, when it comes to the
latter Neptune particularly favors musician and filmmakers.
Of course,
the whole bio- chemical weapon/laboratory topic could also become more
prevalent than it already is.
Many will,
to put it mildly, have a weary relationship to the outer world and the
conditions here on Earth by now.
As a counterpoint to that, Jupiter &
Neptune invite you on an inner journey, with rich dreams and visions, divine longing, aspiration and
contact as well as guidance and creative inspiration.
initiated during one of the Great Conjunctions will have effect for years –
sometimes many, many years – ahead, obviously making it extremely important to
be conscious of exactly what seeds you are sowing and what intentions you are
sending out into the ether, at this point.
So this is
not a time to be completely caught up in the outer worlds darkness and
absurdity, in order to be able to manifest on a strong, healthy and positive
The exact
phase of this aspect begins on April 7th and last until the 18th.
The days up
until the exact peak on April 12th represents the very last days of the Jupiter
and Neptune’s joint cycle, both the one they started back in 2009, as well as
the very long phase going back to the 1850’s, when the two last met in Pisces.
On April
12th and thereafter a new phase will then make its very first beginning.
conjunction will ebb out in late May, with an epilogue in the Fall.
Among the
Great Conjunctions, those involving Jupiter will first show results and
The last
Great Conjunction was when Jupiter and Saturn had their historical meeting at
the Winter Solstice in December 2020.
Their joint
cycle actually now reaches its first “stop” here in the first weeks of April.
Which means
that the seeds, we both collectively and individually sowed back then, now will
sprout and stick their heads above the ground. So preliminary results and
consequences of what was initiated and manifested around December 2020 will now
come into visible existence.
Late in
April, Jupiter and Pluto will reach even further in their joint cycle that also
began back in 2020.
So, a lot
is going on this Spring.
Economy and
resources play a central role in the larger ongoing shift, concerning our way
of life in the future, and crucial things are about to happen in that area.
Easter this years first Eclipse season set in, offering two Eclipses on the
Taurus and Scorpio axis.
At the end of April Pluto turns retrograde and starts
gearing up for the second hit of US’s Pluto return.
Our entire
economical system is at a breaking point – not least the dollars special status, which is highly
unlikely to still be in place, once the Pluto return, in the area of the
country’s economy, is completely over next year.
More on the
Eclipse season and the Jupiter – Pluto sextile in next update, after Easter.
For now our
main concern is the peak of the Jupiter – Neptune conjunction (and the Jupiter
– Saturn semisextile).
conjunction reaches exactitude on April 12th at 15.52 (BST – adjust to your
local time), a beneficial time for meditation and manifestation for the new
cycle being initiated then.
Use the energies
wisely – and also protect your own energy, so that you are able to initiate
something positive, fruitful and long lasting, that benefits both you and all
of us in the future.
Truth Light ☮ & 💖 Tina