Thursday, January 9, 2025

YEAR 2025

To put it mildly, the 2020’s have been something else, but 2025 could very well match or even surpass 2020, the crazy year that began it all.

All astrological parameters of significant changes are flashing loudly in 2025 and '26 – and some sort of climax and a paradigm shift will happen.

Pluto’s new placement in Aquarius (see previous updates) and the ongoing Jupiter - Saturn square, will continue to influence much of 2025.

This update will, however, focus mainly on all the other new develops happening on top of that. 

But those two influences, that, among many other things, brings about systemic change, the breakdown of governments, head of states having to step down, flee or could die in office etc., is still high on the itinerary as well. 

(In fact, just in the few days between first publishing the Danish version of this update and this one in English, another Prime Minister has stepped down, things are obviously accelerating…)

On the heels of Pluto's final entrance in Aquarius, in November 2024, the two other collective zeitgeist descriptive outer planets Neptune and Uranus will also change sign in 2025.

Saturn and Neptune also both start entirely new journeys throughout the Zodiac and will at the same time enter into the last sixth Great Conjunction, of the 2020’s.

With all these four important planets at the very beginning of new signs at the same time, they will also create a mutual flowing aspect pattern between them, with an EXTREMELY powerful energy influx, peaking throughout the Summer.

So, there will be more than enough to deal with.


With Neptune leaving Pisces and entering Aries, at the end of March (- October and finally from January 2026 –2038/39 ) the pendulum is swinging from sensitivity, empathy, vulnerability and victimhood to glorification of strength, courage, initiative – and possible aggression and brutality – instead.

During its journey through its own sign, Neptune taught us that there are many ways to be, many ways to live, many ways to identify as and with in this world – and it’s all ok.

The potential was, that there could finally be room for all of us – but that’s not really how it turned out.

Just as its not particularly pleasant when the majority is trying to force down a “normie” lifestyle over the head of everyone else, it doesn’t really make it any better either, when various minorities are trying to do the same.

Duality, exclusion and splitting continued, (not least because of the obvious agendas and weaponization behind it all), just switching things more or less around, so as a collective we didn’t get much further.

The potential of unity and the understanding, that despite superficial differences, we are really all one, that is inherent in both Pisces and Neptune, would of course be too dangerous to anyone wanting to control the populations; so divide and conquer it is instead.

Each Zodiac sign is in many ways a response to the previous one, and if things have been taken too far out in the extremes during a major transit, that following response will inevitably turn into a major backlash.

Anything won could be lost, including the more positive lessons as well.

At the very least, with Neptune now changing signs, the trends of the time changes significantly and after years of “wallowing” in vulnerability, weaknesses, diagnoses, labels, victimhood and repression, real or self proclaimed, demands of special treatment, dreams of getting everything served on a platter, passivity and placing all hope in various saviourfigures to deal with all our problems for us, it will in the future instead be individual strength, courage, initiative, activity, creativity and results by own merit, that’s glorified.

The masculine energy, that has been labelled “toxic” in latter years, will get a chance to express itself from a higher, divine – or just constructive – level. If, however, the consciousness level is present for that…

Otherwise, the 2025 – 2026 transition could also just mean that we are going directly from over empathic trigger warnings to raw aggression and brutality.

This could potentially also have to do with another topic.


Psychological warfare and value battles has been at its highest level here in the 2020’s, add to that the more classical understood form of conflict and warfare.

Unfortunately it cannot be ruled out that the latter will spread more during 2025, (and thus making more brutality a given). But I doubt this will surprise anyone at this point.

Neptune’s entrance in Aries, could very well refer to heightened war propaganda and a glorification and glamourization of the entire military industrial complex and the uniformed soldier, in case major parts of the populations need to be drafted and the rest programmed to support them, without any questioning.

Alternatively, we might “just” have to be convinced (read: manipulated) to skip almost all remaining welfare and social benefits for defense expenses.

On top of Neptunes entry into Aries, Saturn and Neptunes Great Conjunction will also take place 0° Aries,

A bigger symbol of a whole new era is hard to find.

The last time the two planets met, world history was written, when the Berlin Wall fell (followed by the breakdown of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold war)

While Neptune can dissolve Saturn’s walls, borders and societal structures, Saturn can both limit as well as manifest more of the domain it visits.

So, whether Saturn’s ingress into Aries in Spring means escalation of conflict and war or limiting or ending warfare and aggression, or one followed by the other, time will tell.

But one thing is certain, during the next couple of years, new chapters of history will be written, and the fall out will be a “new world order”, with changes of the world map and present borders, as well as huge changes in ways of life, in varying degrees for those directly and indirectly involved.

(Once again, just in the few days between publishing the Danish version of this text in late December and this English one, the topic of a change of control and “ownership” over several countries, is all over the news, the ball is already rolling…).

After the last Saturn – Neptune conjunction the West and Western Europe got the “easy deal” – that’s not necessarily a given, this time around…

On a personal level, Saturn in Aries can limit and hinder the individuals possibilities, activities and initiative.

Neptune on the other hand can create fascination and admiration for those who persevere, doesn’t let adversity stop them, but still manage to create and initiate projects, on their own, despite everything, which can in turn also inspire others.

The Great Conjunction will set in (in Pisces) from at the latest February 2025 and last for two years. It reaches a first – not 100 % exact – peak in August and then a completely exact peak in February 2026. Both times at the very beginning of Aries.



With Uranus travelling through the last degrees of Taurus in 2025 - the sign of food, basic resources and economy – we unfortunately must expect more price increases and economic instability, volatility and the whole cost of living crisis to get worse. (Uranus itself is also concerned with energy).

Scarcity and lack of certain things is also possible.

So please, make sure to grow as much edible as possible yourself, when the weather permits in your area, even in very small living quarters, some things are always possible and could be a help.

Gemini, the sign Uranus enters for a couple of months this year, is also associated with trade and markets, so the economic theme of instability as well as trade wars could be a more or less constant topic throughout 2025.

With three outer planets changing sign, within just months of each other, a major and total shift in trends and what is ascribed value will happen.

Which means, that what up until now has had a good rep, been the thing to go for, been lucrative and enriching will change dramatically and could instead bring great losses, become a no - go or just slip more into the background, some things can also move in the opposite direction, (no – go suddenly becoming the new thing).

The outer zeitgeist descriptive collective planets remain in signs for many years, at this point in time, from 7- 20 years, sometimes so long, that we wrongly assume, that this is how it’s always gonna be, but sooner or later the planets always move on, creating new waves of trends and completely different narratives  – and usually a lot of people get caught in the middle, especially if they have bought wholeheartedly into the previous narrative.

And the special thing about the mid 20’s, is that  ALL the three outer planets move into new unknown territory, in a short period of time, i.e. everything changes.

For instance, with Uranus’ transition from Taurus to Gemini (July – November 2025 and again from Spring 2026 -2032/33), the narrative concerning climate change will change – what causes the changes, what should or even can be done about it.

In a shift from the Earth element to the Air Element, we will raise our outlook more away from Earth and up into the sky – here we could possibly direct our gaze at the Sun as one very probable cause instead of ourselves.

This means that various green investments (“green” as in how it’s been interpreted and understood the past years, not necessarily truly green) could suffer.

It’s already been very evident in stocks, many places in the world.

The pharmaceutical industry has had enormous wind in their sails and seem to have been able to get away with just about anything, the now many years, Neptune has transited through its own sign, Pisces, (since both planet and sign corresponds with medicine) – it can however not be taken for granted at all, that that will continue, once Neptune has moved on.

The tendency in a total shift away from what has been ascribed value, the recent years, is already well underway, since Pluto’s recent and final change of sign and will be complete by the Spring of 2026, when both Neptune and Uranus has finally entered their new homes as well, so things are moving fast from now on.

Which also means, that it’s not advisable just to keep doing, what you have been doing, concerning your own finances, without any thought.

Long and binding plans are also not the best, (in fact this refers to all parts of life in 2025, not just financially), because you will have to navigate in a space, where everything, as in EVERYTHING could be up in the air and probably won’t land anywhere specific during 2025.

Make sure to have free access to your values, for quick transitions, whenever necessary – also make sure to have as many as possible with eternal value, that will endure and be useful, no matter what happens.

A larger economic systemic change is underway, and the results can be uncertain for a longer period of time. It could go several ways, possibly also at the same time. All bets are off.  Instability and unpredictability is simply what we will have to learn to live with for a while.

The programmable digital payment system could make its full entrance.

However, we’ve had so many different crashes and breakdowns by now, that hopefully many, many more will have realized that it’s by no means a good idea to let anything like that completely erase other alternatives, such as cash.

There is, by the way, still extreme heightened possibilities for more (even bigger) crashes and breakdowns of various kinds, throughout 2025, so just having access to your values online is simply just not the way to go.

The revolutionary forces and the spirit of uprising, that Pluto in Aquarius signals, could also very well be awakened exactly because of economical and/or crisis/warfare/defense dispositions and decisions, that won’t be popular at all, for many.


With Uranus entering Gemini, things will be shaken up concerning communication, social media, news, journalism, information and knowledge sharing – the way it’s done, the way it’s (not) trusted, the way it’s used or even accessible.

A preview of a future, with entirely different ways to receive and share news and information and stay in contact will occur.

With Uranus in the mental air sign comes an open invitation to “Free your mind”

Free thinking and free speech will be important topics.

The previous alternative can go mainstream and new alternatives arise.

Insane attempts of capturing the human mind in more literal ways could however also come about during Uranus’ 7 years in Gemini.

Offers to somehow connect yourself to a hive mind doing the thinking for you and everyone else or to upload your consciousness to some kind of machine, that will let you “live forever”.

Such offers will of course only tempt those who doesn’t KNOW that they already have and ARE a consciousness, that will live forever and is not bound here, either.

So, to not let yourself ensnare in those kinds of traps, it’s more important than ever to explore, make use of, strengthen and develop your natural abilities concerning your consciousness – the coming years will however also bring rich possibilities for that as well.


The outer planets represent energies coming from elsewhere, outside of Saturn’s barrier, the matrix if you will, as well as the norms and structures we typically live under societally, here on Earth as well as what we can perceive with the classic five senses.

Unless you have many connections between personal planets and placements in your individual chart, these energies can feel very foreign, weird and even dangerous.

On the other hand, if you are among those, who feel that something is seriously off with this world, these energies can be exactly what is missing and feel like they are coming more from your “true home”

Even so, they might still be overwhelming, when they come surging in, the way they will in 2025. Especially during the Summer.

A lot can fall apart around us, in quite turbulent ways.

With such a strong energy influx, there won’t necessarily be any discernment of what’s worth keeping and preserving either and many could potentially be driven completely mad by these energies.

It can also spill out in nature disasters, with all the elements raging and almost competing, with what they can make happen, with flooding, earth quakes, storms, hurricanes, volcano outbreaks, natural fires etc. around the world.

And then of course, there is our primary star, the Sun, who could blast us, with even larger flares and CME’s than we already have witnessed these past two years. Potentially also a really BIG ONE.

The outer planets do also represent forces out of people’s control.

So that will be another theme for 2025, that we will have to focus primarily on the things we CAN do something about and influence.

On a much more positive note, Saturn & Neptune is a super creative combination and THE manifestation aspect of them all – here the formless can be given form  - and with a meeting at the Spring point, the maximum potent 0° Aries, that also functions as the focal point for the flowing energy pattern including Uranus & Pluto, it will be possible to take your imaginative, creative and manifestation abilities to a WHOLE other level, than previously possible.

We will simply be able to imagine and implement completely other things here on Earth, than has previously been possible or realistic.

Flowing inspiration, heightened creativity and artistic peak excursions, alternative enriching methods all round, genius ideas and inventions can take form and bring a whole new way of life with it, as well as freedom to focus on what each of us feel passionate about.

Metaphysical abilities and capacities that expands and normalizes is all part of the potential

Quantum consciousness leaps and new higher frequencies that can be brought in.

The perception of Earth and humanity in relation to the rest of the cosmos and other intelligent life can expand as well.

As previously mentioned, we will lift our gaze and attention from the Earth and up and outwards to the sky, the heavens and what we call space.

The flowing outer planet aspect pattern, has already been gathering momentum for more than a year now, but it has previously been an internal thing, having taken place at the end of introverted signs. For those who explore their inner life, it will have been very noticeable the past year and can have been an important preparation period for what is to come.

During the peak in the Summer, especially August, it will take place in extroverted Air and Fire signs (just as it will the following peaks in 2026 and 2027 and the many following years of still being activated well into the 30’s) and will thus become more visible in the outer as well, in events, actions and implementations and things we will talk about.


There will be SO much power behind the incoming energies and outer changes, that it will be incredibly important, already from the very beginning of the year, to prioritize taking really good care of yourself, in a serious and decisive manner, you may not have utilized before.

You need to be able to be in and contain this extremely powerful incoming energy influx and to make use of it in the best possible way and hopefully also thrive.

And we are talking all levels here; physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

So you will need to be much more cut through, when it comes to prioritizing what and who your time and energy is spend on.

Anything that drains or is simply trivial energetic waste as well as various unhealthy and destructive habits, will be a very good idea to let go of now.

In 2025 many doors will close, but new ones can be opened as well.

The transition from Pisces to Aries is always connected to an ending, a reset and a whole new beginning.

A Great Conjunction is in of itself also the marker for the end of a cycle and a phase and the beginning of new one.

Schwabb & Co. has really given the term reset a bad name – but asides from 2025 possibly being a year where they may try to implement more of their destructive and unfortunate version of a collective reset, the idea of a reset can also be used in a wholly constructive way, in your own life.

Just as there are collective narratives, we also have personal ones, and not always the best ones.

Many of us can be limited by various previous experiences and the tales we apply to those and our perceptions of ourselves, our lives and our possibilities, of what we believe is or isn’t doable.

2025 is, from the beginning of the year ,very well suited for making a definite decision about what is actually constructive for you to keep hanging onto, concerning your previous narratives, and then let the rest go and start completely over and only let the past mean something in the way you allow it to and is enriching and valuable to you.

This will no doubt be an unforgettable year, so, as far as possible, get yourself ready to – probably within a ring of wild outer chaos and possible destruction – to lift off and float in a zero point and void of everything and nothing.

But also know that it’s exactly from here you can ACTUALLY manifest, create new life and new worlds and where ALL possibilities are open to you.

Taking a leap into those new possibilities that resonate and speaks to you and dare more than previously, would be a great way to use the energies of a year, where the focal point in many ways is the Aries energy, the sign of brand new beginnings, pioneering and courage.

Happy New Year

Freedom Truth Light & 💖 Tina


© Astrologer Tina Reinhardt Hansen

(First published in Danish at the end of December 2024)

Monday, April 8, 2024



No doubt spurred (unconsciously) by the wild and sometimes fanatic energy of the simultaneously tightening Jupiter – Uranus conjunction, (see latest update), the hype about today’s Total Solar Eclipse in Aries, (Tropical), has reached unbelievable levels, coming from both official, mainstream and various alternative sources.

However, as previously stated, Eclipses have far wider energetic reach than just one day or in one particular country in the Eclipse path.

Eclipses do take place every year, but they are also very powerful energy portals, especially total Eclipses, and they can also spill into equally powerful events. 

However not necessarily just on the Eclipse day itself or at all, nor just in the Eclipse path.

We have already, as expected and predicted, seen events occur during this entire Eclipse Season, lasting from mid March - mid April, just as related events can occur after it as well, due to the later activation.

Mars, who not only rules Aries and thus this particualar Solar eclipse, is also the classic general Eclipse trigger and will already retrigger both this Springs Lunar Eclipse and Solar Eclipse, in May (in the days surrounding May 7th and May 25th – allow 3- 5 days on each side of those dates, as time windows to look out for).

Later Mars triggers are sometimes much more eventful than the time around the Eclipse itself.

Last year’s Solar Eclipse in Aries was retriggered by Mars starting on October 7th and we all know what happened in the Middle East that day and the period following.

The last time we had an Eclipse on April 8th and thus in the same Zodiac degree as this, was 19 years ago in 2005 – and during the days that Eclipse was retriggered by Mars in July, “The London 7.7. attack” took place.

Note that London was not in the Eclipse path – events and effects of an Eclipse are simply not exclusive to those directly in the Eclipse path.

But they do always carry the symbolism and domains of the Zodiac signs involved with it.

The partner of the 2024 April 8th Eclipse was the Penumbral Lunar Eclipse in Libra, that took place on March 25th.

Libra is with its diplomatic skills the BRIDGEBULDER of the Zodiac.

Even though the day of that Eclipse did bring a new resolution for a truce (Libra = diplomacy, peace negotiations and truces) a shortly following total bridge collapse was perhaps not the most reassuring symbolism.

Now, as the Aries Eclipse is only hours away, let’s take look at the Aries symbolism, that has already been in play several times during this Eclipse Season and will be also be retriggered, several times the coming years.

The Eclipse degree of todays Solar Eclipse, 19°24  Aries, will be sensitive and open for re- activation the next three years until a Saturn transit “ends it” in Spring 2027.

Collectively, Eclipses in Fire sign Aries are known for:

Heated temperaments, conflict, aggressive acts, violence, attacks, blood spilling.


Military, defence, weapons, ammunition.


Rivalry, competions, sports.


Courage. Heroic acts.

Devine masculine energy.




New initiatives.

New beginnings

Iron & Steel

Fire, heat, drought, fever


With Eclipse ruler Mars placed in Pisces, the Water element is however also accentuated:

Water, drinking water, rain, lakes, oceans, events at sea.

The now very tight Jupiter – Uranus conjunction – peaking on April 21st – in Earth sign Taurus also emphasizes the Earth element and can both literally and figuratively make the Earth shake in various ways as well.

The previous Eclipse was in the Air sign Libra, (wind, storms, hurricanes), so we actually have all the elements “competing for attention” this Spring.

Today's Solar Eclipse is conjunct Chiron.

So there is potential for healing, learning important lessons and gaining wisdom, if something painful is faced now or in the near future.

Potential new pain and the need for future healing could however also arise, if the energies and our tempers run amok.

Just as an acceptance that there might be things that can never truly be healed again, could become relevant and necessary collectively.


On a more personal level a North Node Solar Eclipse in Aries is future oriented, concerned with new beginnings and growth opportunities.

Some of those might require a certain courage to embrace, though.

As previously mentioned, there was an Eclipse the exact same date and place in the Zodiac, 19 years ago, in April 2005, so links, echoes, revisits, further developments or similar topics from back then could become relevant in your life again or somehow point you in a new direction.

This Solar Eclipse is furthermore beneficial for:

Claiming your power and your Light

Choosing your battles, but being brave enough to take on those that really matter

Standing up for yourself and what’s important to you.

Taking action, being courageous, overcoming fear.

To lead/ being first in line as a shining example, that others can choose to follow or not.

Initiating new projects.


People identifying as Light warriors might feel especially called by this Eclipse, as a new important battle phase might be at hand.

Other Light workers might be called to hold the Light, stay calm, focus, center and hold on to a vision of what the future most optimally should bring. 

Anyone adept at or working with healing or education, of the kind that truly passes on wisdom, could also be called, due to Chiron’s involvement.

Those particular skills might be needed and/or come in high demand in the near future.

A total Solar Eclipse is the most powerful Eclipse & New Moon that exists, so inevitably also offers very powerful manifestation and co – creation possibilities.

The Eclipse is peaking at 19.17 (BST – adjust to your local time) and the New Moon is exact 4 minutes later at 19.21 – that time frame and the rest of the evening as well as again from tomorrow Tuesday from 12. 30 and onwards is beneficial for all kinds of energy work with the Eclipse New Moon energies.

(The time period from 03.38 – 12.23 BST Tuesday is however NOT well suited for manifestation or starting up new important initiatives or projects. If you want them to come to fruition, wait untill after 12.23)

Happy Total Solar Eclipse & New Moon in Aries – use the explosive energies wisely and with a higher, life improving intent – and please think much bigger than just this one day or one particular place or country in the world 🌑 🔥🙏


Freedom Truth Light & Tina

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Another Great Conjunction: Jupiter & Uranus are now getting closer and closer in Taurus before uniting on April 21st 2024


On top of the Eclipse Season, (see latest update), there’s also something else rather significant and important going on astrologically, this Spring.

The fifth out of the six Great Conjunctions that the first half of the 2020’s offer us – which is rare and very remarkable - is now ongoing and will peak on April 21st, when Jupiter and Uranus meet and both end and start up a new cycle, this time in Taurus.

The build up started in late February and the energy of this combination is very easily felt and also quite visible in terms of outer events.

This combination brings with it both exciting new opportunities for awakening, growth and development, but also has a totally wild, bizarre, unpredictable and disruptive quality to it.

Uranus rules the sign Aquarius, so with Jupiter’s enlarging and enhancing influence - and Pluto at the same time placed at the very beginning of Aquarius - we can expect the Uranian/Aquarius energy and the areas belonging to it, to be taken to the max this Spring. That has obviously already begun.

These areas include:

Technology, electronics, electricity, the internet, everything digital.

Outages, crashes, hacking, cyberattacks.

Nuclear power (and weapon) and other energy sources.

Scientific breakthroughs.

Major Solar eruptions or other Cosmic radiation/incoming energy.

The sky, heaven, heavenly bodies, space – anything residing or moving through it.

Extra terrestial intelligences, real or fake.

Uprising, protests, social unrest, revolution and overthrows.

Jupiter adds:

Ethics, law, justice, courtroom dramas.

Travel activity.

Life philosophy, faith and religious communities.

Uranus can then take some of these Jupiterian areas to and over the edge, making things much more extreme, bizarre and fanatic.

As an example, it was during a previous J-U Conjunction, that the comet Hale Bopp was in the sky and that a cult committed mass suicide, “to get aboard the spaceship hiding behind the comet”...

That kind of gives you an idea of how this combination works when taken to the extremes.

Interestingly enough, we now also have a comet possibly reaching naked eye visibility in the sky – and who just so happens to be very close to Jupiter and Uranus, at the peaking of their meeting.

The Conjunction takes place in the sign of Taurus, so anything under the Taurus domain will of course also be highly relevant and subject to change, such as:

Nature, farming, crops, food, food supply, prices, currencies, payment options, banking, finances, economy and values.

A J-U Conjunction often brings the introduction of something new, different and pioneering with it, that will have a huge influence and spread later, for instance the forerunner to the internet, as well as Instagram and the CD were all introduced during previous J - U Conjunctions.

Whether it will be the CBDC (a centrally run, programmable and always surveilled digital currency with various strings attached; bye bye freedom... ) this time around or something else, time will tell (and pretty soon…)

The economy is definitely one of the things that could come into major focus – and obviously not in the most stable of ways.

Interestingly enough, when Jupiter and Uranus had gotten so close, that the conjunction began to set in, it was rumored - and documented - that several of the worlds richest and other politically influential people had begun to sell out of their stocks in a major way…


Scientific breakthroughs or introduction of new methods (U) of the kind that raises certain ethical dilemmas and questions (J) and possibly ensuing heated debate, is another trademark of this combination.

For example, it was during previous J - U Conjunctions that the first artificial heart was implanted, (with temporary success.),that the first execution by injection took place and that the cloned sheep Dolly was introduced to the world.

In the current area, this could obviously have to do with chip implants and humans merging with machines and artificial intelligence – or perhaps something else and completely unexpected.

During several previous J-U Conjunctions, there have been major protests, strikes, social unrest, revolution, overthrows or head of states resigning themselves – and with a Pluto in Aquarius this time around as well, it is almost a given – and obviously already ongoing in various places.

During the last J-U Conjunction air travel was completely stopped over parts of Europe for a longer period of time, due to a volcano outbreak in Iceland.

Jupiter (travel) + Uranus ( air, sky, space) is especially related to aviation, air traffic and space travel and during previous conjunctions, aside from the aforementioned complete air travel stop, have also brought the introduction of new airplane types and spacecrafts, fatal plane crashes, either with a lot of passengers or with “prominent passengers”, as well as space missions, both succeeding (or claimed to have done so), as well as failing and crashing.

We have already seen strikes stranding planes on the ground, during the beginning of this J-U Conjunction as well as a lot of really weird and bizarre Boeing action, including a highly suspect death of a whistleblower speaking out concerning serious security issues. To be continued, I’m sure…

Back when air travel was grounded due to forces of nature, it also referred to the complete unexpected turns this combination is known for; the totally unpredictable and the powerlessness, when bigger forces come into play – which of course could be about a lot more than just air travel and volcanos (even though there’s Icelandic volcano activity now as well...).


Whether we are talking organically happening nature phenomena, human interference, accidental or with malevolent intent, an attack or something else, the recurrent theme is that something that has become a given for us, suddenly becomes either impossible, out of reach or highly unstable, for a longer period.

Compared to the areas of previous J - U Conjunctions, we now live in a highly digitalized world and is thus way more vulnerable in a way we have never been before, (especially when you look, at what these two specific planets represent!)

So, no matter the cause, it can obviously not be taken for granted that everything will work, run smoothly or be available, this Spring.

Nor that things generally will continue in the way, we have previously known them to do. 

Huge changes and turn arounds could very well occur. (As this is one of six Great Conjunctions in a short period of time = a period where the world and our way of life completely changes).

At this time of writing, Jupiter and Uranus is still around 5 degrees apart – and during the previous 5 degrees (from 10 degrees apart and onwards), we have already had multiple various outages around the world, so no one can say, that we are not issued warnings beforehand...

Obviously, it would be a good idea to have some kind of back up in place; cash, extra food, water, other necessities, as well as various alternatives to be able to do whatever is the most necessary for you.

Easy access to most of your valuables as well. Taurus generally promotes concrete, tangible and useful values and commodities.

If you have many, spread them out, don’t put everything in one basket.

The more speculative – as well as anything that is really just numbers on a screen can especially come into danger, during this period.

Since Spring is now here, in the Northern Hemisphere, it is of course also highly advisable to take advantage of that and sow, plant and grow as many edible crops yourself, as possible. A lot can be done even in very small spaces.

And then when all that practical stuff is in place, it’s really just about jumping into the exciting possibilities that this Conjunction also brings with it, as the Jupiter – Uranus combination also represents:

Awakening, expansion of consciousness, personal growth, truth seeking and spreading and a strong incoming energy influx supporting all of this.

Anything alternative, alternative interests, disciplines, treatment, ways of life gets a huge boost from this combo as well.

Jupiter and Uranus are also the most freedom loving planets of them all.

So, anything concerning freedom and freeing yourself, creating more free conditions around you and choosing and walking your own path is all beneficially backed up now.

Things can be turned around. Chances taken. Huge changes made.

Do something different, create something new, strive higher and dare more, Jupiter & Uranus says in unison.

Manifestation in a very concrete and physical way, due to the placement in Taurus is also possible.

The consciousness expanding energy influx of the Jupiter - Uranus combo needs to be grounded and converted into something concrete and practical here on Earth from now on.

Manifestation, creativity, using your co -creator skills, as well as all alternative excursions are thus all supported and perhaps even demanded by Jupiter & Uranus in Taurus.

Aligning more with nature and the heavens and the heavenly bodies are also very beneficial under this influence.

On April 21st a new 14 year Jupiter – Uranus cycle will begin. This time it will happen during a onetime hit, over just a few months this Spring. (The last one had three direct hits of exactitude in both Pisces & Aries).

But onetime hits can also be even more remarkable, wild and transformative at once.

Whatever is initiated, on both an individual level and collectively in terms of what we allow to start up and consent to, will influence us the next 14 years, so high alertness and consciousness is needed right now,

There can both arrive something that needs a very clear and firm NO THANK YOU as well as something inviting a resounding YES!

Taurus represents values, so knowing or becoming more acquainted with your personal (not outside dictated) values, is extremely important right now, so that you can make your choices, with those clearly in mind, when things become even more disruptive than right now.

The Jupiter – Uranus combo overlapping with an Eclipse Season really whips up the energies to the max.

So, make sure to take good care of yourself, in all possible ways, so that you can handle and anchor the energy influx, that is certainly only gonna get wilder from now on...

You need to be able to keep your wits and then embrace the positive and constructive parts of the energies and use them to initiate something that makes a positive difference in your life and for those around you, amidst the more disruptive and distructive happenings.

The Conjunction  will reach its exact and most urgent phase from April 14th - April 27th, peaking on April 21st and will go on throughout May, and into June.

“Hold on to your wigs, these are the Days of wild”

Freedom Truth Light ☮️ &❤️ Tina




Eclipse Season Spring 2024: Eclipses has effect much longer and wider than you might think. Don't just fixate on a specific date or place


As expected, there’s a lot of pre hype concerning the upcoming total Solar Eclipse in the sign of Aries on April 8th with its totality path running across parts of the US, among other places.

However, it’s very important to not only fixate on one particular date or one country, when it comes to the effect of Eclipses.

First of all, an Eclipse never comes alone, it always comes in two and sometimes three.

Before the first Eclipse occurs there’s also always a build up of energy, typically starting a few days after the previous lunation has ebbed out, around 10 days before the Eclipse itself.

The build up before the first and the aftermath after the last Eclipse together form an entire "Eclipse Season", lasting several weeks, typically about a month.

It’s also important to note that the Eclipse Season energy is not exclusive to the places, where the Eclipses themselves are visible – we are all affected by it, to various degrees.

An Eclipse Season, like the one we are already in right now, often has a bit of surreal feeling, that makes it stand out from the rest of the year. 

It can almost feel like time is acting differently; things can speed up and suddenly develop very quickly and in other incidents time feels like it almost stands still.

Mysterious links to previous periods, with Eclipses in the exact same Zodiac degrees as the current ones, is also prevalent in both individual lives and collectively, just as there could be important links to the future.

(The Spring 2024 Eclipses have forerunners and links back to Spring 1997 and the following months (the Lunar Eclipse), as well as Spring 2005 and the following years (the Solar Eclipse) - and also generally the years 2013 – 14, which was the last time we also had a series of Eclipses on the Aries/Libra axis.

So you might wanna think back to what was going on in your life back then.)

We have been in this Eclipse Season since mid March, with the first Eclipse coming up on Monday the 25th, a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse in the sign of Libra.

So, the “anything can happen at anytime now” sensation that is swirling around could potentially also manifest in outer events, already here in March.

During this entire Eclipse Season, lasting until mid April, the topics and areas of both Eclipse placements can and will come up.

Eclipses on the Aries/Libra axis typically brings some of the following to the fore:

Alliances or treaties; new ones made or old ones altered or broken/split up.

Division between different alliances.

Conflict, heated temperaments, aggression, blood spill, War.

Military, defense, weapons and weapon/military industry.

(Call for) Peace, truces and negotiation, diplomacy and compromise.


Individual opportunities for expression and activities, new initiatives, pioneering and pushing forward.

Collaborations, partnerships, romantic relationships, marriage; entering into, strengthening, crisis or break ups, divorce.

Striving for harmony and balance.

Social life and gatherings.

Sporting events and competitions.

Art and beauty.

Fire, heat, drought.

Air, wind, storms and hurricanes.

(An overlapping significant Jupiter - Uranus aspect in Taurus also brings the Earth element to the fore; so earth quakes, volcano outbreaks and the like is also possible).

Another very important fact about the effect of Eclipses is that after an Eclipse Season is over, most Eclipse degrees can and often will be retriggered and activated, by the astrological classic Eclipse trigger; Mars, once again bringing the topics of the Eclipse right to the fore and bringing further developments.

Sometimes that later Mars activation is even more impactful and eventful than the time around the Eclipse itself.

Some of the more dramatic examples of that, was when Mars retriggered a total Summer Solstice Eclipse in the sign of Cancer, in 2001, a few months later in September.

Yes, on 9.11, Mars was well within the required triggering three degrees of that previous Eclipse. (Mars can trigger Eclipses by either conjunction or opposition).

Cancer represents among other things; national feelings, changes in public mood, huge emotional outcries, homeland security and things done under the guise of wanting to protect, whether true or not...

Last year the total Eclipse in April in Aries was retriggered by Mars in October, including on October 7th, where we all know what happened in the Middle East...

Aries, among other things, represents: aggression, bloodspilling and outright war.


This time we won’t have to wait long for the retriggering of both Spring 2024 Eclipses, 5°07 Libra - Aries & 19°24 Aries, as Mars will already activate them in May, reaching exactitude on May 7th and May 25th respectively, but there's a period of around 4 days surrounding both of those dates on each side, which will be time windows to look out for.

(Mars will also once again retrigger the April Solar Eclipse from last year, that was first triggered last October, as well as the 2023 October Solar Eclipse itself, in May and June as well. Solar Eclipse degrees are sensitive for years after the Eclipse, how many years depends on the duration of the Eclipse or if and when it is terminated by a Saturn transit).

So the second half of March, April as well as most of May and parts of June will all be affected by very strong Eclipse energy, which could potentially spill into events and turning points.

So, as you can see fixating on just April 8th and on just one of the countries in the Eclipse path – outside of witnessing the total Eclipse itself, an absolutely amazing experience, by the way, so truly enjoy, if you are lucky enough to get do that 😍 – far from does the real influence of an Eclipse justice.

We can potentially all be affected, all around the world, just as we can all choose to work directly and consciously with the Eclipse energies as well.

With Mondays Lunar Eclipse in Libra for instance, you can beneficially begin more consciously to practice on getting better at finding inner peace, calm, harmony and balance, no matter what goes on around you. Find out what - or do more of what you already know – works for you in that capacity and then stick to it.

Because that will definitely come in handy as the rest of the Spring unfolds. It will be anything but calm!

Overlapping with the Eclipse Season, we also have a very important and impactful Great Conjunction of Jupiter & Uranus this Spring as well, peaking on April 21st.

Update on this follows very shortly.

So while the Eclipses, and of course especially a Total Solar Eclipse is definitely worthy of a lot of attention, there's a lot more going on as well.

Happy Eclipse Season and Beginning of Spring 🌱🌷

Freedom Truth Light ☮️ &❤️ Tina


Saturday, December 30, 2023


The new calendar year begins with Pluto at the very last degree of Capricorn about to enter Aquarius for the second time on January 21st, (staying there until September. The third and final ingress happens in November – and then it will be Pluto in Aquarius for the next 20 years).

So right from the start of the year, we are pretty much at that stage, where anything can happen – and that goes for ALL of 2024; that we will constantly be in such a tension filled stage of transition.


At the same time basically all the major astrological happenings of the new year also refer to a huge potential for expansion of consciousness in 2024.

The segment already interested in anything considered alternative, evolution of consciousness, awakening, spiritual growth, freedom, freethinking and truth will thus get the opportunity to break through some previous confinements – and in many ways be able to express themselves and create more freely.

More people could also become more interested in these areas.

However, events or new information could also actively force all of us – or most – to expand our consciousness and previous perceptions of “ how things are working in this world” (and beyond).

When Jupiter & Uranus meet in Spring, at another Great Conjunction, they end a cycle that started back in 2010. 

That particular cycle was especially powerful, since it first began 0° Aries, the maximum potent first degree of the Zodiac, signaling an entirely new beginning and the potential to take things to a higher level.

“Things” in this context was; awakening, expansion and raising of consciousness, an urge for freedom and truth-seeking.

At first much of this energy was centered around “December 2012” – or deliberately pointed in that direction - but of course it wasn’t about a date in a specific year, but a much longer process that did bring the opportunity for (further) awakening, for those who were receptive to it.

An incredible amount of knowledge and deep insights previously mostly restricted to smaller occult circles has since then, if not been spread out as common knowledge among the general population, then certainly become more widely circulated, available and understandable for those who choose to dig deeper.

On top of that, of course, there will also have been many individual spiritual experiences and self-discovered insights.

The new cycle beginning in 2024 takes place in Taurus, so now all these insights will have to be grounded and converted into something tangible and practical here on Earth.

 It won’t be enough to just be able to see through and understand things – nor having open channels to higher dimensions  -  it will have to be directly reflected in values, way of life and one’s entire existence and actions in the physical world and in our relationship with nature.

Likewise, the energy influx, coming in 2024, will also have to be anchored and assisted in growing roots.

By know, it’s well known that there is a huge resistance to the raising of consciousness of humanity – for the simple reason that we will of course be much harder – if not impossible – to control and would also stop allowing various parasites to suck and feed on our energy.

A subtle (and sometimes not so subtle) war has long been waged against us to keep us in constant fear mode, dumbed down and as low frequent as possible. This of course won’t lessen in 2024, with the strong incoming more high frequent energies and possibilities, which is why, the new year will probably bring a lot of distracting:


As mentioned last year, the change in zeitgeist that Pluto changing signs symbolizes - ( the other two zeitgeist movers Neptune & Uranus will follow as well next year – making it the ENTIRE zeitgeist that will change in the mid 20's) - can often be shocking to many people, who can end up feeling quite lost for several years after. Typically, many will unfortunately also find themselves in some trouble or bind.

Because of Pluto ending its stay in Capricorn in 2024, this shift will be especially challenging for those with a high level of trust in authorities, as well as for those who have wielded their power in, let’s say, not particularly lovely or just ways.

Likewise, many previous well known societal structures and institutions could end up breaking more or less down – the dysfunction level has already been reached many of these places, around the world.

Jobs and work life – and people’s general identification with their job title and status – could also undergo a transformation.

Then there’s the new incoming energy.

Aquarius represents anything residing in heaven or in space. Including of course our central star, the Sun, who synchronistically with Pluto’s transition to Aquarius this past year, began acting more and more wild in its outbreaks, which has continued ever since. Aureus Borealis in previous unusual places have almost become the norm now.

Will we in 2024 reach the kind of Solar storm outbreak that could damage various technological gear on and around the Earth?

Well, who knows, but it IS remarkable that Aquarius also represents that kind of technology, and a Pluto visit can bring with it a lot of weird stuff, also in the direction of things breaking down.

In any case, it’s certainly not very smart to rely entirely on digital solutions or to get rid of cash now!

Internet and social media are also under the domain of Aquarius and will probably not remain in its current form in the many years ahead, with Pluto transiting the sign. Some of these changes could potentially already take place in 2024.

More censorship, breakdowns, crashes, hacking or hackers playing a more central role in events, as well as alternatives to current social media could become relevant, in various ways.

Right now, the internet is buzzing about the possibility of an upcoming large cyber-attack – that could actually also be a page taken straight out of the “Pluto in Aquarius script”…

Right before Pluto left Aquarius again in 2023, the first "official disclosure" came in the form of a whistleblower revealing to the American congress that several governments around the world had recovered crafts and non-terrestrial bodies, over the years.

That timing was of course not a coincidence and a sign to the attentive: “to be continued” when Pluto returns to Aquarius again.

Anything is basically possible on that front, whether it’s the long heralded fake alien invasion or concrete contact with extra-terrestrial intelligent beings or information, that expands and changes the definition of Earth and humanity’s role in what we call the Universe, true or untrue.

Another wild event, which is of the more inevitable kind concerns:


When Pluto made its first foray into Aquarius in Spring 2023, several banks, exactly according to script, started crashing, going under or being swallowed by bigger banks.

When things didn’t look too well – despite various official claims, which by now have taken spin and gaslighting to absolute absurd heights – when Pluto made a standstill and changed direction in Fall, the lucrative war machine was simply put into further gear.

Jupiter goes direct on New Years Eve Day and will be moving forward through Taurus, the sign of economy, the following 5 months.

This placement can bring growth and abundance in real commodities and tangible, useful values. But are known for NOT looking kindly on financial speculation that are not based on reality or something tangible – in other words most of what the world economy as well as the stock market are build around…

On its way through Taurus, Jupiter, will, as mentioned above, catch up to Uranus. Uranus in Taurus has long forewarned of a huge crash or other economic changes of the really significant and lifechanging kind, and will now be further strengthened, emphasized and activated by Jupiter. With Pluto – also representing economy and common resources - reaching the point of no return the same year, there is no doubt that something major will go down in 2024 concerning finance and economy.

A total transformation of the entire financial system could very well be on the horizon (many pieces have already fallen into place in the background, this past year.)

At minimum, at least some things will NOT go on as previously - at all.



Despite the fact, that we live in a bizarre world where war can act as a momentarily rescuer of failing economies, we will also have more Eclipses in Spring and Fall on the Aries/Libra axis.

(Including another total Great American Eclipse in April – the partner to the 2017 Eclipse).

So, more war or threat of war as well as heightened demands of ceasefire, peace negotiations and diplomatic solutions will be very relevant topics in 2024 as well.

There are many types of war, as previously mentioned, also the more silent, subtle psychological war on consciousness – and the 2020’s have so far been a nonstop extravaganza on that front.

Along the way it also turned into the kind of war that most understand and perceive as war.

How will it end up?

Well, that depends on how desperate the current beings in power become as well as on the level of consciousness of humanity and what we allow these beings to initiate and follow through on.

It’s rarely the decisionmakers who literally go into the battlefield and fight, so others will have to be willing to follow orders and act on them.

Those could be influenced, depending on how huge a public demand for peace, negotiations and diplomacy there is, instead of a cry for more war, fighting and bloodshedding.

In order for it to be truly effective, it won’t do to just demand it for a specific nation, people or one flag, but for ALL people suffering under decisions made and cruel actions done over their heads.

If we stop playing into their divide and conquer methods and splitting games, we could actually give peace and harmony a  decent chance.

These Eclipses also refer to new alliances being made as well as old ones breaking up and dissolving.

A lot is already ongoing on that front and will no doubt develop further in 2024 and ahead.

If we take a quick peak into 2025 (-26), Saturn & Neptune will meet at the last Great Conjunction, this time around. The last time they met the Berlin Wall fell and the Soviet Union since dissolved, and a new world order was born.

We are at a similar place these years, except for the fact that we actually have much more distinct astrological activity going on at the same time, than back then.

(We have six Great Conjunctions among the major planets, which is an unusual high amount – and all the three outer planets changing signs within a few years).

 It’s in periods like this, that the world and many people’s way of life changes irrevocably.  Where major transformation occurs.

Asides from regular war between nations/alliances, there is also heightened possibilities around the world for:



The Aquarian energy will now come BARGING in – and Aquarius is, among other things, the sign of uprising, protests and revolution.

At the same timer Jupiter will strengthen the ruler Uranus, in Spring – (the last time these two met, there were constantly protests for various reasons around the world) and then enter into a trine with Pluto in Aquarius and empower that position even more, with free flowing energy,

So generally the urge for protest and uprising, will be MUCH larger and constantly sizzle - so it will NOT be welcome if intrusive decisions are simply forced on people.  The type of leadership style ( in the more dictatorial/ authoritarian vain) we have seen in previous years will simply not be accepted in the same way, any longer.

In some places in the world, it will probably also get even wilder than that and could potentially turn into a regular revolution and the removing of someone in power, by force…



Because so many new planetary cycles were started in 2020, we will regularly return to that year, when the planets reach a new phase in their mutual cycle – and of course we DO also have that infamous elephant in the room, that unbelievably enough, has not been dealt with, yet.

In the Summer Jupiter and Saturn will enter into a square and will remain so the entire following year.

The square phase is a crisis point, where whatever was initiated during the conjunction – in their case around December 2020(!) - inevitably will come up to the surface and will have to be dealt with.

This will be the most distinct phase, we, until now, have had since then – and it’s also rather long.

So, something or someone from back then will probably be held accountable for at least something.



Neptune will reach the last degree of its own sign, Pisces, in the Spring and then turn retrograde.

Neptune is another outer planet that have gone into extremes of what the sign represents before an energy shift in 2025.

Victim mentality, being easily hurt and offended by just about anything, as well as dreams of various saviors coming to our rescue, taking care of everything for us, while we simply have to remain passive, trusting and hopeful, has thus soon been taken as far as it can.

But only just about.  It can still – for some – become even more extreme in 2024, since Jupiter momentarily also strengthens Neptune while in the 29th degree.

But from 2025 and onwards the zeitgeist will completely change,  then it will be the individual that to a large degree will have to save themselves.

Just as it will become clearer that higher powers, spiritual guides and helpers also need to see some action on your part before they can step in and do anything for you.

So, it’s very wise, already this year, to start preparing for that energy shift and clear out various illusions.

Otherwise, the bursting of those illusions can become very painful in the near future.

Saturn’s continued stay in Pisces is already trying to warn people about this, providing a reality check and an invitation to mature more now, spiritually.


Further focus on issues concerning medicine, drugs, abuse of various substances, Big Pharma, diseases, hospitals, healing, nursing and caretaking as well as water, heavy rainfalls, flooding and significant events on sea could also occur with Neptune in the last degrees of Pisces.

An Eclipse in Pisces in late Summer/Early Fall will also underline the same Neptunian themes.



Jupiter enters Gemini in late May and will stay there for the rest of the year, which is another invitation to expand your mind and your knowledge.

There could be a lot to talk about during 2024, perhaps because of many shocking and tumultuous events or a huge amount of new information to absorb.

New ways of communication could also arise as well as new ways of sharing information and knowledge.

New inventions and progress are also a part of the Jupiter – Uranus Conjunction having taken place just previously to Jupiter entering Gemini.

Alternately, more old school communication forms could also be revived, IF the internet or various technological and electrical devices go down or become unstable. Letters and mail for instance could in that case receive a renaissance.

Jupiter in Gemini also refer to two completely different paths, going in opposite directions, concerning future development, growth and consciousness level.


As evident from all the above, we will in 2024 constantly dance on a tightrope between something close to total destruction and on other hand exciting new possibilities, evolution and higher consciousness.

So, choose very CONSCIOUSLY the energies you wish to align with and the path that is right for you, going forward and then be insistent and stubborn, yet also flexible when that is called for, when it comes to focus.

Because that will be needed in order to even see and be able to grab the opportunities that no doubt will arise along the away, amidst all the craziness and all the stuff that will break down, crash and make a LOT of noise in doing so.

But you can simply not allow yourself to be way led or too distracted by it.

This is a time to build a better future for yourself and others – a lot of the past will truly be gone, these coming years, and if you spend too much time hanging on to the past, others will create your future for you – and that might not be beneficial, to say the least.

So, take on your co-creator role as never before and dare more.

One thing is certain, 2024 certainly won’t be boring!

I wish you a happy New Year 😊🎉✨🎆🌟

Freedom Truth Light & Tina