Thursday, July 22, 2021

Saturn in Capricorn 2017 - 2020 ( Repost from December 2017)


Right before the Winter Solstice 2017 , Saturn entered Capricorn.

Saturn is at home and strongly placed in its own sign, Capricorn - whether this will be felt as a positive, however, depends on your level of maturity.

It’s definitely not a time to lean back and expect things to just land in your lap.

2018, and the rest of this decade, as well as the beginning of the next, is rather a time, where it will be highly necessary to take responsibility for yourself and your own life, be willing to work hard, for what you consider important, realize that you reap as you sow, and then act in accordance with this realization.

If that doesn’t come naturally, Saturn might very well be felt as heaviness, resistance and obstruction.

But if you’re willing to put in the work, and take the long haul, you will be rewarded accordingly and later be able to harvest the fruits of your labor.

This placement is also very much about being willing to be the authority of your own life, of taking and keeping the control of it, responsibly, so that others won’t have to do it for you.


With Saturn in Capricorn, there will be a special focus on state, government and various authorities. And during this transit, (that lasts until the end of 2020) their power might increase to the point of running completely off track, if allowed - if we give up our natural individual authority.


This could end up with so many regulations, restrictions, prohibitions, and so much control and surveillance, that the system will become so stiff and suffocating, that there’s no breathing room left. 

So, take on and keep your own authority!

Pluto is also positioned in Capricorn, and we now begin gearing up to the next big astrological event, which takes place when Saturn reaches Pluto, at the beginning of 2020. That conjunction signals an important cycle ending and a new one beginning.

 There are (eerily) many astrological similarities, between present time and the last half of the 1930s(!), where we also said goodbye to a Uranus – Pluto square, where Uranus also left Aries and entered Taurus, followed by a Saturn – Pluto aspect…

There are obviously forces, who are using the energetic similarities to try and manipulate us and the world in the same direction as back then, as well as forces working against it, doing everything in their power to prevent it.

 The following years are crucial in that respect!

 How the new cycle, beginning in 2020, will manifest, is what we are co-creating and must take responsibility for, now!

 On a spiritual level, Saturn in Capricorn, is about knowing/finding your higher life purpose and then start taking action and simply doing it.

 It’s about connecting with the Light, and then going back out in the world, and spreading light around you, in a way, that only you can.

 Real and true Lightwork, with emphasis on work – and the more people who do that, the more positive a new cycle, we can create, starting in 2020.


First published at as well as on Facebook (in Danish) in December 2017.



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