Thursday, July 22, 2021

Uranus; from Aries to Taurus 2018/19 - 2026 (Repost from May 2018)


It’s always significant when an outer planet changes sign.

This month we’re facing a distinct change of signs, when the outer planet Uranus, enters Taurus for about 6 months.

In November Uranus will return to Aries for one last period, before finally entering Taurus in spring 2019, staying there until 2026.

 Let’s first do a recap on Uranus’ transit through Aries, before we look ahead to the upcoming 7-8 years, with Uranus in Taurus.

In 2010 Uranus likewise began dancing back and forth between Pisces and Aries, before finally entering Aries in spring 2011.

 However, this wasn’t just a change of signs, as Uranus does every 7 years.

 With Pisces being the last sign of the Zodiac, and Aries the first, this was also the end, as well as the beginning of a new, 84year long cycle. In other words, a major event.

The final ingress into Aries was also accordingly dramatic, as it took place synchronously with the tsunami in Fukushima, Japan in 2011.

 On the day Uranus was at the very, very end of Pisces (water), the tsunami took place and was livestreamed (Uranus = technology) and the whole world was for the first time able to witness a catastrophe in real-time, from their living rooms. The tsunami then developed from a nature – to a nuclear disaster, the following day, when Uranus entered Aries (fire)…

 As above, so below…whether organically or orchestrated…

 In the true spirit of Uranus, the first entrance into Aries in 2010 was accompanied by waves of protests, uprisings, riots and revolutions suddenly igniting around the globe. Even starting in parts of the world, where it up until then would have been totally out of the question.

But the combination of Uranus’ rebellious, revolutionary, freedom loving energy and its vision of equal rights for all, and Aries’ fiery temper, willingness to fight for its cause, and a “Nobody is gonna keep ME down” -attitude, quickly made everything reach the boiling point; the lid was blown off.

Whether the many, many protests around the globe spontaneously erupted, simply because people had had enough, or whether some of them were orchestrated by a smaller group, who knows how to use the prevailing energies in accordance with their own agendas and were able to manipulate large groups of people to go along with things, that wasn’t necessarily what they thought they were; “the protest spirit” has been a prevailing theme these past years.

 (“The Arab Spring, “The Occupy” Movements, large protests in Southern Europe, turbulent riots in London, Stockholm, Egypt, Turkey, Thailand and Brazil among many other places, “Black Lives Matter” in the US, as well as recent anti-Trump protests are just a tiny fraction of some of what’s been going on around the globe in the past 7 years).

There’s also been quite a lot of sable rattling among nations and the general level of conflict and threats has risen (Aries= the sign of the warrior).

The turbulence and generally heated atmosphere, in the years Uranus has transited Aries, of course also must be seen in context of Uranus’ infamous square to Pluto, which, with only a few breaks along the way, has been active all these years as well.

Since Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008 and Uranus Aries in 2010, it has, as predicted, been a very distinct time in our global history, and the world – and the people in it – has changed A LOT.

On a personal level, the parts that can be attributed to Uranus, (also known as The awakener) has very much been about a growing need for individual freedom; the freedom to do what you want, the freedom to go after what you desire, without unnecessary restrictions and intrusions from others.

While Uranus’ shift from Aries to Taurus might not be quite as powerful, as when Uranus, started a completely new 84 year cycle 7 years ago, one only has to think of the current parallels to the second half of the 1930s(!), where Uranus had also left Aries and entered Taurus, where an Uranus – Pluto square was also laid to rest, and an important Saturn – Pluto aspect was also upcoming, to understand that we’re still living in distinct times and that the coming years will be crucial.

Let’s now look ahead to Uranus’ transit through Taurus, from 2018/19 till 2026.

We have now entered a time where the themes and collective trends that will influence us the next 7-8 years will start to make themselves felt.

Especially the period up until the end of 2024 is on the drawing board now, as the 3 outer planets, (who combined describes the collective trends and zeitgeist), will be in the signs they’re also in from May -November ‘18: Uranus in Taurus, Neptune in Pisces and Pluto in Capricorn.

So, the end of this decade and the first half of the next are in the making right now – and the bright observer of both outer events and inner sensations, will now be getting strong hints of where we’re heading on both a collective and individual level.

If you’re someone who’s typically ahead of your time, you have probably already felt this for quite some time now.

With Uranus’ shift from Aries to Taurus comes a clear energy shift and new themes will rise to the surface.

While Uranus and Aries could easily agree on having had enough, seeing red, rioting and demanding change and better conditions NOW! Taurus is much more calm and reluctant to change; would preferably keep the status quo, if it could.

But that’s not an option, when partnering up with Uranus.

Changes are inevitable and whether we willingly go along with them or we have to be dragged through them, they will now primarily happen on Taurus’ domain; finance, values, ownership, resources, food and nature.

In the underground there has long been talk of an upcoming financial crash or reset.

So, will it be during Uranus’ transit through Taurus that the fiat/debt-based economy finally reaches its end?

Well, we will most certainly begin to value differently, and Taurus undeniably stands for more concrete and physical values than “out of thin air”.

But whether we will see a fairer redistribution of resources, or whether the 1 % will just find new ways of getting richer, while the rest of us get poorer, Uranus in Taurus doesn’t necessarily say. The only thing that’s certain, is that things won’t continue as before.

There IS potential for new economical experiments, that could benefit us all, as well as potential for protests against perceived economical injustices.

In the end, exactly which way the financial winds will blow, depends on what people are willing to put up with, and what YOU choose to earn your money on, as well as spend them on, from now on…

If there’s one thing that can provoke the usually serene Bull, be the red rag, so to speak, it is to threaten it on its possessions.

Taurus has a very strong sense of ownership and is quite possessive of everything and everyone it holds dear.

And Uranus will of course challenge this…

Ownership and possessions will thus be a hot topic.

This might come about as a discussion on whether you can truly own anything here on earth or whether its only yours temporarily, a loan, something you can rent.

A rebellion might simmer, if the perception is that some can own things, while others cannot.

 And if it gets to a point of having to struggle and/or fight to keep what people feel are rightfully theirs, that is when the inner Bull might very well feel the need to butt it horns quite fiercely…


Another huge theme will be food and nature.

Optimally, Uranus in Taurus could be this giant green wave, with ecology, biodynamics and permaculture boosting and blooming like never before, and might also introduce new inventive ways of showing even more respect for Mother Earth, nature and its creatures.

 However, there’s also a possibility that things could go in another direction.

 The ability to grow, buy and eat healthy and nurturing food might somehow be threatened.

The last time Uranus was in Taurus, we had a lack of - and rationing of - food, and those who did best, were those who had the opportunity to grow for themselves.

It was a time when it was needed to think out of the box, to get food to last longer and to invent alternatives to things that were scarce or no longer available at all.

Whether we do it out of our own free will, because we truly feel an inner urge to take care of our Earth and its resources or we are forced to it, from outside circumstances, out of our control, the way we treat and relate to nature and what we eat is bound to change.

If we’re to imagine any kind of uprising in this area, it might very well be about resources and access to (healthy) food.

 If you’re callously making (a lot of) money on pillaging mother Earth of its resources, filling people with poison, making them sick and dependent on synthetic medicine, a giant green wave is, of course, not in your interest.

The notion that those (truly) in power were only counseled by astrology to rule in an ancient, ancient past, couldn’t be more off. “The hidden hand” is extremely well aware of what planetary energies are prevailing and of how to use them in their own interest.

So, unless a shift of power takes place (and with Pluto in Capricorn no one can feel safe, whether we’re talking puppets or puppeteers, hence the last years growing desperation…), that is unfortunately unlikely to be in the interest of the many.

As the world is ruled and run right now, it seems we have to take matters in to our own hands and do our best to create “the positive version” of Uranus in Taurus.

So now, that you as well are aware of the upcoming prevailing energies, what will you do?

 On a personal level a huge theme will be; values.

 It will feel increasingly important and urgent to be able to live your life in accordance with your true values.

In contexts where others set the parameters, it will become increasingly intolerable, if they don’t represent your values – to the point where the consequences will be, that you will either have to rebel and try to change things or to remove yourself completely from them, and instead start setting the agenda yourself.

Uranus enters Taurus on May 15th and the sign shift is already felt; we’re creating the future right now.


If you wish to live on a green and lush Earth, filled with people living in peaceful coexistence, aligned with nature and with deep respect for all other living creatures, where you can freely choose what nurturing sustenance you put into your mouth, and where you naturally have the freedom and the right to live your life in accordance with your true values, then the time is now, to do your part to manifest it in reality. 

Let’s do it!

First published at in May 2018


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