Fall is here, and in more ways than one, there are indeed dark times ahead...
As Saturn and Pluto are now both going direct, moving forward towards their final meeting point, at 22°46 Capricorn, in January 2020, it is worth refreshing and elaborating on the meaning of the Saturn – Pluto conjunction, that has been noticeable for all of 2019, and will be for all of 2020 as well.
combination and sign placement symbolize huge societal changes, a lot of the
former structure and known framework will be blown apart or break down and
several things will not continue as previously.
organization and structure of labor and working is one of the things facing
huge changes, because of the strong focus on Saturn and Capricorn. The same
goes for management, leadership and business.
Some of the power of state, government, authorities- as well as other societal institutions and pillars – will change distinctly as well, and this can both go in the direction of more or less power.
Citizens’ rights – or lack of them – can also go in both directions.
Distrust between citizens and authorities can easily reach new highs.
Authorities might respond by coming down hard on any kind of criticism and resistance. Extreme measures of censorship, surveillance and social behavior regulations could be the result, if not stopped in time.
At the same time, this is also a period where both powerful individuals, powerful dynasties (known, as well as hidden) and societal pillars perceived as ”too big to fail” actually could fail, crash and lose their grip on power.
No one from top to bottom can feel safe in their seats in these times, as Pluto’s lesson is; nothing last forever, everything has its time, everything ends, and then something new can be born.
This is why so much now seems to be decaying and no longer works, why we’re constantly told stories of authorities and other societal institutions, obviously no longer taking care of the assignments, they were originally created to do, that’s why we constantly hear of scandals, fraud, failures, lack of resources, bad management and why we see former rulers, in spite of trying to cling to their former power, ending up with not particular graceful exits.
Expect all of this to further intensify this Fall and throughout the Winter.
However, this conjunction isn’t just about 2019 -2020/21, where Saturn and Pluto will be within reach of each other. This combination is also about the long term, both going back and forward.
We’re now at the end of a larger cycle, that started in 1982, when these two planets were last in conjunction, and which reached its dramatic midpoint at the opposition, in 2001. (I’m sure, there’s no need to remind you, what happened that year, with global implications!)
Decisions and actions from those in power then, both the visible and the hidden agendas, the policies, the economical and societal decisions made, the declarations of wars, in those years, as well as the publics’ reaction – or lack of reaction – is all something we’re facing the consequences of now. We’re reaping as was sown those years.
And if things don’t feel particular viable right now, it’s probably because the seeds sown was not particular healthy nor put in the ground with best intentions!
There are things that can come to a natural end and graciously make way for something else/others, and then there’s that which is rotten to the core, but still hanging on and needs to be removed now.
Anything no longer viable, anything from the past, with no future could unmercifully end up being destroyed within the near future.
For we are about to reach the last death rattle - the very last phase, before it’s finally over, after which a huge rehabilitation work, where something new can begin to take form, awaits.
Looking ahead, this also means that decisions made and actions taken, here at the beginning of the new cycle starting in January 2020, will have consequences several decades ahead, which is why it’s important to tread cautiously and wisely, whether it’s you or your descendants, that will have to live with the consequences in the future.
We need to be way more awake and vigilant at this cycles’ beginning, in the early 20s, than we/they were at the beginning of the 80s and the beginning of this millennium, in terms of what we allow those in power to initiate, as well as what we initiate ourselves.
On a personal level the big theme and question is how much authority and power you are willing to take on yourself or reject and let others handle?
How much are you willing to put up with, from say a boss? Or from some other authority figure? Especially if they’re not doing their true job or acting fair?
To what degree are you willing to take control and set the framework for your own life?
How much are you willing to sacrifice for the promises of security and comfort – even if the promises are never kept?
In those instances where Saturn – Pluto = more power and control to the authority, then the choice is yours, whether it’s you taking on your inner authority and thus gaining more power and control over your life or whether it’s outer authorities taking over even more, with a very little individual scope as a result.
In the instances where Saturn-Pluto = the breakdown of the system and the well known structure, the choice is yours, what you will put in its stead.
If you have personal planets/important placements near 22° Capricorn/Cancer/Aries/Libra, you are/will be especially impacted by this on a personal level and/or you’re one of those playing an important part in all of this.
The same can also apply for important planets & placements near 22° Taurus/Virgo and Scorpio/Pisces.
On a higher level, this planet combination and the end of the cycle is about karma; the settling of karmic debt and karmic relations.
It’s about reaping as you have truly sown yourself, but also about becoming wiser of dark parasitic forces and their interference, hidden agendas and abuse of power, that might have resulted in you battling with and paying for something, that never really should have been on your shoulders in the first place.
Insight and knowledge of this can blow up the entire karma and (re)incarnation system and the previous tales and perceptions of it, and bring way more spiritual maturity, as well as more options and freedom - also beyond this life.
So yeah, huge things are definitely brewing at this moment in time!
Saturn and Pluto are a serious and heavy combination, and we have previously seen really dark and violent world events, when these two have met.
The conjunction is further “burdened” by the sign placement in Saturn’s own sign; Capricorn, so there’s no need to sugar coat or pretend that this will be an easy process, because an important part of the process is actually about being (or becoming) mature enough to face the dark, harsh realities.
But as we know, it’s also darkest before dawn, and just as light and Spring always follows Fall and Winter, this is also a rare opportunity to get rid of a lot of rot, a lot that no longer works or serve us, and in its place put something new, better and more constructive and fair.
We’re at a cross roads, and the choices made now and in the immediate future will have long term effects and consequences, both collectively and individually, and on an earthly as well as spiritual level, so it’s a rather unique and responsibility filled time to be alive.
So, use the energy wisely, with eyes
wide open.
and Pluto get within 1 degree of each other, beginning the exact phase of the
conjunction on December 31st.
The conjunction reaches exactitude on January 12th 2020.
Let’s use this challenging last phase of this cycle, and the prelude to the next, to light up the dark and create a breeding ground for a better and brighter future for us all.
First published at virgospiver.dk & on Facebook (Astro Tina Reinhardt Hansen) in October 2019
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