Thursday, July 22, 2021

The Great Jupiter - Saturn conjunction (Repost from September 2020)


From this day and the next months forward, all 5 of 2020s big aspects will be active at the same time, since the Jupiter – Saturn conjunction is also gearing up now, further intensifying the energies.


A big part of the reason 2020 is as remarkable and crazy as it is, is the 3 conjunctions of the year.

A conjunction is when two (or more) planets meet, end their mutual cycle and start a new one.

 In 2020 we have 4 big cycles ending and beginning at once.

We have a 12 year long, a 20 year long, a 34 year long – and most spectacularly an approximately 240 year long one.


The Jupiter – Saturn conjunction is responsible for both the 20 year cycle and the 240 year cycle.


As Jupiter and Saturn always meet in 20 year interims, we are at the end of a cycle that began around the new millennium.


But this Jupiter – Saturn meeting is SO much bigger than that – since the planets are also making a sign oriented elemental shift from Earth to Air - from the physical level, “the era of materialism” to the mental level; the world of ideas and ideals.


The special thing about this planet pair’s cycle is that they conjoin in the same element, (each element consists of 3 signs), for several hundred years.


We have been in a transition phase since the beginning of the 1980’s, when we had the first conjunction in an Air sign, however we weren’t quite finished with the Earth element yet, since a last Jupiter – Saturn conjunction took place in Earth at the new Millenium.


But by the end of 2020, we say our final goodbyes to the Earth era and hello and welcome to the era of Air.


Jupiter and Saturn together are known to preside over time periods and eras, as well as societal ideals.

The planet pair symbolizes a regent, a leader of state, a structure of society, a regime, a superpower, an ideology, a belief system, that either has to give up the reigns, resign, abdicate, are removed, dies, is over, come to an end, and then after a period of chaos, someone or something new takes over.


When we are talking a cycle, lasting longer than the human age span, in the very last phase, in a year where we also have a powerful Saturn – Pluto conjunction, it’s no wonder that so much is breaking down right now. 

Nor that it feels like the end of the world, because in many ways it IS; the end of the world as we know it. That part of it was and is inevitable – and during this Fall season we will see even more decay.


The longing back to the time before…is understandable, but needs to be let go off, since that boat has sailed a long time ago.


What’s extremely important now, is to focus on what kind of new era we wish, chose and allow to kickstart, at the end of the year, in other words, what the new world, society and our lives will look like going forward.

If it is to be a place that is worth living in, we all need to get on board and make use of our co-creating abilities NOW.

 As there are dark forces, that have planned ahead and have had their version of this shift planned for a long time, and the kind of world they wish for, while obviously beneficial to them, are absolutely not beneficial to the rest of us!


The Air element centers around our social life and our ideals.


The December conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn takes place in the air sign Aquarius.

 Aquarius is the sign of freedom, free thinking, equal rights, community and networking across place of affiliation, based on being kindred spirits above all. It’s also the sign of technology.

And it’s quite obvious that these exact areas are either under heavy attack or are being abused right now.

Dark forces are trying very hard to steal our freedom and rights, there are either strong censorship - or ridicule of – critical voices, able to think outside the box, division is created and community is undermined, our social life are controlled and steered into “social distancing and bubbles” – and in the end towards a “social life”, primarily taking place digitally, physically separated and always surveilled.

Technology is used against us, to hurt us, enslave us, dumb us down, instead of helping us, healing us and freeing up time to do more important or more enjoyable things in life.

 In distant times, it was said that a regent/leader would either die or retire, when Jupiter and Saturn met, and then a new big regent/leader would follow.

 Under the influence of Aquarius, there is huge potential for humanity reaching a level of contact with their own inner regent, to the point, where there is no longer need for higher earthly leaders or at least not to the extent it has previously been.

 In other words, the new regent in the new era could very well be each one of us.

Combined with the theme of the Saturn – Pluto conjunction, that each of us has to take on our inner authority, the message becomes very clear; it’s time to take our power back, fully, use it constructively, benefitting both ourselves, our individual freedom and rights, as well as the whole of the community.


Our realization of that potential is the biggest fear of the dark forces, since we are then no longer controllable or willing to play our roles as slaves in the fascistic regime they have planned.

This is why they are now going all in, hoping to repress, distort and destroy the huge potential, this new era brings us.

So, it’s crucial to not fall for their tricks and fear mongering and to not participate in any submission rituals of any kind.

The Jupiter – Saturn aspect peaks on December 21st, at the Winter Solstice, the day of the “Return of the Light”.

This is a beautiful symbol of the potential, for the Light to truly return to Earth, earthlings and our lives, at the beginning of the new great era, but in order for that to happen, we have to courageously and fearlessly pave the way, from now on.

The aspect will ebb out at the end of February 2021.

Another thing, that sets this conjunction apart from the other conjunctions of the year, is the added bonus, that both planets are visible to the naked eye.

 Jupiter and Saturn have been visible on the evening and early night sky, near each other, all Summer, and will now get closer and closer on the evening sky, during Fall, before almost melting together in the early evening at the Winter Solstice.

Often conjunctions appear visibly to be just two planets very close to each other in the sky, but this one is also significant, since it will actually appear as two planets are becoming one, on December 21st, which is very rare. We are once again talking centuries, since that last happened.

So, this a very special event in our lifetime and a Great conjunction, indeed.

You can easily spot the two planets, after Sunset in southern direction, Jupiter is the big bright “star”, Saturn the smaller one, to the left of Jupiter.

And while you are enjoying the beautiful sight of them nearing each other, all through Fall, remember to send out your intentions and manifest what kind of free, golden and fantastic, new era you wish to see start in December 😊

 First published at and in Danish on facebook  in September 2020.



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