Since March
10th 2020, Saturn has resided in the last degree of the sign Capricorn. The 29th
degree of a sign can be quite a wildcard, where a lot of strange things can
happen and on top of that, Saturn has extra punch here, at the end of its own
A lot of
strange things certainly has happened, when it comes to restrictions and
borders (!), while the planet of precisely restrictions, borders and limits, is
placed at the BORDER between Capricorn & Aquarius.
On March
22nd Saturn enters Aquarius and will stay there for a couple of months, but
we’re not done with the Saturn in Capricorn themes yet, as it will return there
in the Summer, before finally entering and transiting through Aquarius from
December until Spring 2023.
fear of illness, death and loss of loved ones, now make many accept and even
condone control mechanisms and limitations on freedom and rights they would
NEVER otherwise have stood for…of course also from the perception, that this is
a necessary evil, in a temporary crisis situation, that will pass again.
But with
the current energies and planet placements, there’s a real danger that some of
these measures will turn out to be not so temporary at all…Saturn is a planet,
concerned with things of a longer duration, and this was initiated in a
cardinal sign, where new eras begin, followed by a stay in Aquarius, one of the
fixed and maintaining signs.
So it’s
extremely important during this time, where people are rallying
enthusiastically around their various leaders, that it’s still ok and allowed
to also ask critical questions concerning the extent of these extreme measures
now taken, such as whether this v I r u s truly is the cause or rather an
excuse for these measures?
A longing
to return to a world and our everyday life as we knew it, will be huge for many
and only grow as more days of this passes by.
But this
has happened during a Saturn & Pluto and a Jupiter & Pluto conjunction
– and as anyone, who have ever experienced having Pluto conjunct one of their
personal planets or points in their chart know, life never returns to the same
again…At some point, of course, some new way of life will take shape, but
something will have changed irrevocably and will never be the same again.
So, despite how hard it might be, it’s actually a complete waste of time and energy only focusing on being able to return to the old normal, because that ship has sailed…
Instead your energy can beneficially be focused on how you, now that you
know that things HAVE to change, wish the new world and your new life to look
like, on the other side of this – otherwise the decision will be made for you,
and you probably won’t end up liking that result, once the worst shock over
current events has subsided.
I have
written of an inevitable breakdown of society and economic crisis/collapse for
quite some time now – and also of how there in the ruins of the fallen would be
a huge potential for building a new more fair, just and more equal shared world
– just as I have written about how the end result depends on what we are
willing to put up with.
A simplistic breakdown of Saturn in Aquarius could either be: long lasting restrictions on freedoms, rights and community OR manifestation of freedom, equal rights and community.
Therein lie our choice – and while the last option is challenged big time right now, it’s still doable, if we are able to think outside the box.
residing in the sky, in heaven and in space fall under the domain of Aquarius.
With Saturn
here space exploration, space technology, visible manifestation of intelligent
life in space and/or unknown heavenly bodies might very well become a relevant
The last
time Saturn transited Aquarius was in the early 90’s.
I, myself had an exciting UFO experience, when Saturn was 0° Aquarius the last time. Others here in the local area also experienced mysterious thing in the sky in the following months.
This was also the years when the iconic show, “The X files” was created and hit the tv-screens for the first time.
Here an entire Saturn round later, perhaps we have reached the point, where it will dawn on the majority, that the X files “mythology” of a secret syndicate, across national borders, controlling and running the world and events, of aliens and other mysterious beings existence and influence on our lives, was not just science fiction…Who knows, we shall see…
”The X files” also contained plots on fake aliens and staged events – which is
wise to remember, if we suddenly see magical things happen in the sky or hear
official announcements of something out there, that it could both be real or
staged – or be half truths (which of course is also highly relevant concerning
current events on the ground!)
A project
of insanity is already ongoing, where a rich guy is now shooting an extreme
amount of satellite’s up into orbit, and despite international protests, has no
intention of stopping…Not only will space be filled with junk, but the
visibility of the starry night sky will forever be changed and tarnished if
this madness isn’t stopped now. That anyone is allowed to do something so
destructive and intrusive as this, simply because they can afford it, is a
mystery. But hey, that’s apparently the world we live in.
And it’s not the only thing initiated now, under the guise of “faster internet connections”…Back on earth, f i v e g roll out is also speeding ahead, with no concern for what the frequencies that will now come into use will do to insects, animal life, nature and human health.
Right now,
the world is at a standstill never seen before, presumably to protect the weak
against a disease, but at the same time the authorities are willing to let f i v e g roll out without being anywhere near to having researched what this actually
does to living beings…Where is the protection and caution here? Something
doesn’t add up…
Or perhaps
it more than adds up… as it is rumored that while the rest of the country is
shut down and people are sent home from work, the erection of masts continues.
strange, that this is a job belonging in the critical function category?!? How
could that be, it makes you wonder - but as mentioned in the latest update,
from March 11th, there is certainly a LOT to go hmmm about right now in the
Mankind is not perfect. It can be strong, beautiful and creative, but also weak and full of mistakes.
A distorted use of the Aquarian energy could give some an urge to tweak, perfect and optimize the human so much, that ooops, suddenly it wasn’t human anymore…and that scenario could very well play out these next years, when Saturn resides in Aquarius, if we don’t make it stop, by saying; we do NOT consent!
As I wrote
about Saturn in Aquarius, in my 2020 update, just before the New Year:
becomes a major theme and a topic we will all have to face and take
responsibility for.
Asides from
Saturn’s change of signs (which is most noticeable, while Saturn is at 29°
Capricorn and 0° Aquarius, from March 10th – April 6th), we also have the
Jupiter – Pluto conjunction in Capricorn.
This combination speaks of extreme laws and intrusions and interventions in people’s everyday life and rights, financial turbulence and changes, job, labor market and business transformation, escalation of misdirection and dark agendas, but also higher visibility and spotlight on them and higher possibility for seeing through and revealing them, and thus huge potential for the truth to come out.
After mid-April, the conjunction will still be powerful, as it already is and has been for a while (and then the 2nd direct hit follows in second half of June/beginning of July).
Returning to the “The X files”, one of the members of “the Syndicate” once confided in Scully on their maneuvering and string pulling behind the stage and ended with the words “the best way to predict the future is to invent it”
Take good
care of yourself, your loved ones, your fellow human beings AND of your &
our freedom and rights!
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