Equinox and the Summer half year is now only 9 days ahead of us.
That the
Winter quarter would be unforgettable was a given, with the remarkable aspects taking place, but exactly how dark,
bizarre and unforgettable it turned out to be – wow!
Let’s take
an astrological look back on a Winter, that, (here in my part of the world, at
least), wasn’t Winter at all, when it came to the weather, but on the other
hand was filled with events and lots of “things that make you go…hmmm” – and
then some!
however, let’s rewind time 15 months back.
In December
2018, I wrote the following on the upcoming Saturn – Pluto conjunction, whose
influence started at the beginning of 2019, peaked in the beginning of 2020 and
will last for the rest of the year.
combination doesn’t have a good rep.
Among other
things because it was active both during the beginning of the 1st and 2nd World
War, (that also happened right after a Uranus – Pluto square and Uranus having
left Aries for Taurus, in the 1930s), as well as 9.11 and the beginning of the
endless “War on Terror”…
important to be aware of the many similarities with time periods, where really
violent world events have taken place, and on the fact that this energy CAN be
(ab)used this way, if those who push the buttons, wants to and are allowed to
do so.
If anyone
in position of power should wish to introduce a total police/military state,
then this combination in Saturn’s own sign, Capricorn, could also be (ab)used
to take further steps in that direction or for that matter, going all the way…
measures of censorship, surveillance and social behavior regulation, and a very
tiny individual latitude, can easily be the result, if we’re not careful…
… even the
most orthodox person might be very unpleasantly surprised of the world they
“suddenly” find themselves in, at the beginning of the next decade”
Then we
fast-forward to late summer 2019, at the doorstep of the Winter half year, that
is now nearing its end.
2019” kept popping up in my head; and then finally, I had a vision of the words
“October 2019 has been written and planned for a very, very long time” written
in large letters on a cupboard. I also used those words as headline for one of
my Lunation astro facebook updates at the time.
the planets also emphasized that October would be a heavy and remarkable month,
with potential for distinct and far reaching events. Saturn and Pluto were then
both going direct and beginning to close in on each other and their common meeting
place in January.
At the same
time Saturn, for several weeks, triggered and ended a former still active Solar Eclipse, and
since this Solar Eclipse was in its own sign, Capricorn, Saturn also had extra
power behind it.
came and went and offered more Brexit drama and another postponement, but we
were all kind of used to that, by that point... the prelude to the later
American impeachment trial also began – but drama and chaos in American
politics was not exactly unusual then either…
there were rumors and warnings in the alternative underground of a possible
planned, but averted, “simultaneous attack” on several European countries at
the very end of the month.
But other
than that, true to the spirit of Saturn; (the planet corresponds with delays,
postponements and results and things that doesn’t show up until later), we had
to reach quite far into January 2020, before it became clear, that October 2019
actually had been much more eventful and relevant to future, than what first
seemed to be the case.
Because it
turned out, that in October, an “event” took place on the American east coast,
with a huge simulation for relevant personal, concerning the spread of a c o r
o n a virus, first from animals to people, in a local area and then an entire country
and then, because of international travelers to the entire globe.
During the
exercise the participants took various measures, such a strong censorship
against critical voices, huge interventions into people’s everyday life and
rights and finally implemented “something like martial law,” in an attempt to
control the spread of the virus, but the outcome was – unfortunately - still
that millions of people died and a complete crash of the world economy…hmmm
The hosts
of this event were a threesome consisting of those, that now daily update us
with how many ill, cured and dead there are worldwide, and a certain fond, who
just happens to have a patent on this virus and is now “working on a cure” as
well as a so called worldwide economical forum…hmmm
enough, on the very same day in October, as this simulation took place, a
military event, with participants from all over the world, took place in
exactly THAT Chinese city, that would later become known worldwide. as the
place where the “real outbreak” started…hmmm
A city,
where many of the inhabitants, by the way, are said to suffer from respiratory
problems, because of heavy pollution and where there also just happens to be a
bio-lab, right next to the food market, pointed out as the origin of the
By the way,
curiously, enough the very same biolab, that is part of an old crime novel,
written by a well-known author, with a plot of a virus - a biological weapon -
escaping that lab …. Hmmm
In December
during the predictive “Holy nights”, I dreamt of curfews and divided zones, as
well as a huge crash.
When it
came to the latter, a breakdown of society and an economical crash had been
“written in the stars” for a long time, so that was easily understandable for
me, but what was several doctors doing in the “crash dream?” Hmmm…At first, I
didn’t understand, but it was soon to become clear in the new year…
The v i r u
s outbreak was reported to WHO on December 31st, EXACTLY the same day as the
Saturn - Pluto conjunction reached the critical one degree apart stage, kicking
off the exact phase of the conjunction….hmmm
During this
exact phase, there was, apart from the worlds increasing knowledge of the
outbreak, also historical forest fires as well as other nature disasters, the
war drums were banging; the killing of a general, the shooting down of a plane,
British royals leaving court, as well as the American impeachment circus, but
while all of that apparently fizzled out again…the virus saga didn’t…
Saturn and Pluto had started a new cycle in January, a Jupiter – Neptune aspect
also set in (both planets rule Pisces – and Jupiter now strengthened and
expanded Neptune’s power in Pisces)
Both heavy
rainfalls, flooding and spreading of the virus (which all belong under
Neptune’s/Pisces’ domain) followed…and things started to become truly “fishy”…
At the same
time Jupiter got close to Pluto, which opened up possibilities of extreme
escalation of dark agendas, but also more transparency of the very same.
knowledge of the events of October now began to spread among people seeking
their news from alternative outlets.
Then on the
last day of January, an anonymous "financial insider", who claimed to
have acquaintances in huge health organizations, warned other investors on a
message board, that the virus would cause the stock market and the world
economy to crash in March. According to the insider, this was well known by
high profile investors, that as discreetly as possible had already started
selling out, a while ago…hmmm
But MOST incredible
of all, was the fact, that the same insider, also just happened to mention,
that the first western country, where international health authorities planned
to “try out” implementing drastic measures and methods a la China would
I think
that’s worth repeating one more time: end of January!
Meaning 3
weeks BEFORE the outbreak escalated wildly, during a weekend, in Northern Italy
( while Mars was triggering and activating a previous Solar Eclipse in
Capricorn) and 5 weeks before the entire country was under lockdown and
What was it
again, that text on that cupboard said?
Oh yes;
”written and planned for a very, very long time”…hmmm
Here in
Denmark, the first C o r o n a case and the first people quarantined just coincidentally
happened to be media personalities, who could then report from their homes and
inform the public on what it’s like to be quarantined at home…You could even
follow patient zero being mouth swabbed BEFORE the diagnosis was
given…hmmm…well I guess you could call that public service.
Speaking of
established media, none of them has curiously enough dived into or informed of
the strange coincidence between the abovementioned simulation and a real
outbreak of the same illness and scenario, just weeks apart…Not even
considering the entire simulation was filmed and is publicly available…hmmm
As I wrote
about back in December, when Jupiter entered Capricorn, this Winter has had a
total overweight of feminine placements, when it comes to the big new-classical
planets, and the danger of that imbalance would be, that it could easily be
abused and distorted. By playing on “feminine qualities and virtues” and guilt,
people could easily be led astray and react in ways not very constructive.
On top of that
imbalance, we last week also had a reactivation of a former Solar Eclipse in
Cancer, the sign of care, protection and motherly energy.
I would be
one of the first to say, that we have to look after and care for the weakest
and the vulnerable in society…and I have, as a matter of fact, spent thousands
upon thousands of hours of my life quite literally doing just that...But that
also means, that I KNOW firsthand how very low standards politicians and
leaders, from both sides of the spectrum, have had no anguish what so ever
offering many of them, for the last many years now, which is why I found it
just SLIGHTLY hard to reconcile the sudden willingness to go to unheard
measures “for their sake ”, “to protect them”… Yeah right, hmmm…
You can
certainly say that this Winter half year has given us a lot to “wonder about.”
Spring and
the Summer half year are just in front of us, and there’s still plenty of
planetary and energetic activity going on.
And with
the advent of Spring, I think it’s high time for the Truth and the Light to
break through
<3 Tina
First published on virgospiver.dk & Facebook in March 2020